Sunday, June 1, 2014

Part 11: Grandma's Garden

As I sat here pondering over what subject to write about I received a huge sign...
I smelled an assortment of different flowers... as if I was in my grandma's backyard.

As I had told you before we lived very close to her house so we would ride our bikes over to visit.  She loved working in her flowerbeds, and boy did she had tons of flowers.  

The house was always beautiful inside and out, and she knew exactly how to plant them so that the tulips would be coming up as the next set of flowers would be starting.  Tulips are so beautiful but they do not last long, she had it so perfectly arranged that her flowerbeds were never empty..

The years of bouquets that we received from her to take to the Church for May crowning out of those flowerbeds are numerous.  I have to say we always had the best looking flowers too.

Lilac bushes in different colors, roses, and the nut tree!!

She was given a nut tree and planted it and it drover her crazy!!  Let me rephrase that the squirrels made her mad, she never once was able to get a nut off that tree.

If she was not working in her flowerbeds she would be in the garden, she loved her tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Freshly washed clothes on the clothes line...

Sometimes we would drive by her house and could see the sheets flying in the wind.

There were many times I would leave school early and walk to grandma's because I was not feeling well.  I remember when I failed my drivers training test and went to her house (hey I figured I didn't need to read that book... I did).
I came into the house and she was in the basement ironing, I was so upset and she was so calm as if it was no big deal and told me to just try harder next time.  She was always knew how to calm me down.

It is funny when you get older and you look back at your life, the times that I thought the world was ending and she calmed me down.  Yet she was struggling with things that really mattered and I never knew.  She did not want me to be troubled with her problems because I was a child, yet in today's world our children know each and every problem we have.

Makes you think...

Heavenly Father, Thank you for my beautiful grandma, Thank for you her garden, her heart, her love, her time, her patience, her unconditional love and understanding,
I pray that everyone has someone as special as her in their life and that they never take them for granted.  I pray that we seek you Lord.
In Jesus Name I pray,

Listen too:

Casting Crowns My Own Worst Enemy
Casting Crowns Courageous
Casting Crowns Lifesong
Casting Crowns Until the Whole World Hears

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