Saturday, May 31, 2014


The first time I seen a woman wear a veil, other than Our Blessed Mother or any other woman in her time... was at my old parish.  I was at Adoration and a woman came in with a veil on.  It was so beautiful, not just the veil but the peace she seemed to have within as she prayed.

I went home that night and looked up veils and fell in love with so many of them... but I did not have the money.  So I waited, as the Easter vigil came closer I knew in my heart that this would be the evening that I would wear my veil for the first time.  Yet the timing of the ordering would not permit it, BUT I received my veil Saturday the day of the Easter Vigil.  My daughter was not sure if she wanted to be seen with me, and on top of that this was our first Easter vigil and she heard how long they could be.

Still we went an hour early to get a great seat right up front, my veil was an infinity scarf so when not worn as a veil it looked like a scarf.  The Mass began as we went outside to lite the fire and then come back in, it was so amazing to see so many come into the Church.  The love in each of their eyes it was clear that they were here because they chose it and knew God's love.

After all of the readings I put my veil on after they brought the gift's up to the altar.
As soon as I put my veil on I felt as if it was just Christ and myself and no one else in the Church even though the Church was packed.  I cried like a baby, because although I had been a Catholic all my life I was seeing this beautiful Sacrament that was offered to me and for me.

The next Sunday my daughter and I went to Church and I put my veil on before I entered the Church.  My daughter said: "Mama, you don't put that on till before Communion when Jesus is present".  I told her; "Jesus is always present in the tabernacle!"
It felt odd, I noticed looks yet as soon as I realized why I was doing it the looks did not matter.  And as my Uncle Tim would say; "Do not always jump to the conclusion that a look is negative".  He is a wonderful man and I love him!
I cried through the homily, I cried as Christ was held up and I cried as I took Communion.  I felt that peace again, that closeness.  I would wear that veil to every mass and still continue to wear it.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the freedom to wear a veil, Thank you for the freedom to attend Church everyday, Thank you for the freedom to be me, I praise you always!
I pray that every woman will put down their signs of "Feminism" and realize that wearing a veil in Church has nothing to do with the right to vote, the right to be paid a fair wage, and the right to be a woman.  It is a closeness that is indescribable and I pray that they as I did will lay down their stubbornness because as I have learn in our stubbornness we often loose site of you.
In Jesus Name I pray,

Listened too:

Casting Crowns City On the Hill
Casting Crowns Jesus, Friend of Sinners
Casting Crowns Already There

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