Saturday, May 31, 2014

Continuation Part 8: Summer's and growing up...

I left you off at a strange part... note to self do not blog when you are tired.
Summer's were so much fun at the lake, and we did not have to worry about going to Church.  At this point in my life I wanted little to nothing to do with Church.   I do not think I was mad at God for taking my grandpa I was mad at myself for not being good enough.

When I was in third grade my mom put me in public school and it did not work out so she put me back into the same Catholic School I had attended my whole life... yet it felt as if the kids did not know me.  Lunches and recess you know the time that kids look forward to I dreaded.  

No one would play with me unless their friend did not show up and then they would play with me until their friend came back to school.

I remember in Church I would take the missal and open it to the middle then tuck each page in the center first the right side then the left then the right and so on until it could not fit anymore... then I would open it up and it would flow open... The teachers did not like that because it made noise, it made the kids laugh and it was a sure sign I was not paying attention.

When it was summer, I was so happy, two hour drives up north that seemed to last so much longer.  There was a Catholic Church in town and I believe my grandma and or my mom went one time but I never did.  I was a outsider even in my family, my cousins went into town to roller skate and I stayed behind because I did not like skating.  

Year after year we would go up to Caseville and we would look forward to it.  Life it so funny, you really do not know how Blessed you are until you take time and evaluate your life and who is in it.
The summers I spent in Caseville contain so many memories, bomb-fires on the beach, playing hide n seek at midnight, sneaking Aunt Jan's wine coolers (did I just type that), playing cards in the back room for hours and of course being in the lake!

One memory was of a house a couple doors down from grandma's they had a fire and had rebuilt the house and it was beautiful.  They had a party to celebrate and there were people in boats that came and a couple of us walked down to enjoy the fireworks they were going to light on the beach.
We where sitting on a deck with our feet in the sand, my cousin Becky was on my lap.  They had not lit off too many before the wind knocked one over and it was pointed right in our direction.  

I began to scoot back on my butt but it was too late one of the flames went up her jeans and burned her leg.  I will never forget that, we rushed back to the house and grandma was all over taking care of her.  

A good memory that we often joke about is Hans and Franz...

I'm Hans and I'm Franz and I am here to pump... you ... up...
Yes we would be in the lake and we would each be a character and one would say
"I am Hans" and the other would say "I am Franz" and we would both say "we are her to pump"

go under water come up and say "You up"
LOL So funny, but hey we had fun...

I remember going out after a storm and the waves were higher than us kids but my Uncle Jim was with us.  We loved it and it was so much fun, we never felt unsafe.

Thank you Lord for Blessing me with my Grandma, Thank you for watching over all of us the night of the fireworks, Thank you for Blessing our family with a beautiful home on the water for so many years, Thank you for all the memories,
I pray that we will slow down and look at the little things in life that make the bigger things so small.  I also pray that we all seek you!
In Jesus Name I Pray,

Listening too:

KING & COUNTRY Fix My Eyes  
Amy Grant Better Than a Hallelujah  
Audrey Assad Humble  
Audrey Assad Lead Me On  
Audrey Assad I Shall Not Want  
Audrey Assad You Speak 
Audrey Assad For Love of You

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