Friday, May 30, 2014


Last time I left you hanging with the fact that grandma would remarry and she did.  She married my moms divorce attorney and would only be married to him for a few months before he passed away.
I remember "the call", you know the kind in the middle of the night and the phone rings waking the whole house up.  You just know something is wrong when that happens.

By middle school I was out of Catholic school and into public school, I did attend CCD on Wednesday nights in order to be confirmed.  I chose the name Elizabeth Ann Seton and I had to do a report on her.  My sponsor was my Aunt Jan, it was a big deal the Bishop came to our Church and he wore a big hat and had a staff.  Of course this is the way I remember it as a kid.

My grandma inherited a house on the lake in Caseville Michigan, we would spend out summers up there with her.  One day I was there with my my brother, mom, dad, uncle Tom and cousins Becky and Richard.  We where in the lake swimming when one of the adults noticed the sky looking bad.   So we all got out, rinsed off and changed; my Uncle Tom started some chicken on the stove and then it happen.  We ran downstairs all but my dad, huddled in a corner the noise was horrible.  My cousin Becky was hysterical and my dad was still up stairs.  The door had flew open and he was trying to close it on his own..
He eventually came down stairs and stayed with all of us as we sat in the basement listening to the tornado destroying roofs, uprooting trees and ripping off the porch off the back of grandma's house.

That is what we seen when we came upstairs, part of a roof in the middle of the road, trees across the road and no porch or refrigerator on the back of the house.  Grandma would end up adding a beautiful room to the back of the house all glass so that we could sit back there all year long and enjoy the view of the water.

So many memories from up north, my parents even looked at a house to purchase once when we were there.  It was just a nice place to be.

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