Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I left you last night with my story about my wonderful Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. W....

I was Blessed enough to attend St. Mary's Queen of Angel's for most of my elementary years...
The school went through the eighth grade but I transferred to public school in the seventh grade.

In the seven plus years I attended this beautiful school I learned so much about my faith...

I learned that when a priest entered a room you stood up and said "Good Morning Father!"
This was a sign of respect and I pray it still happens today!
The first thing I learned regarding my faith was that the whole school attended Mass every Friday before lunch and recess.  This was different but our priest was so COOL!!!  I truly believe he was a child at heart, his name Father Amos Wischmeyer, he had an amazing way of teaching us through laughter.  He would tell us stories about his childhood but he always got his point across.   

In order to get ready for First Communion, there is a lot for a person to know:
Always use your right hand to Bless yourself with the Holy Water
Always genuflect before entering your pew

Kneel and pray 
Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist!
Make sure your soul is clear of all sin

Confession is not scary (for a child, it was)
Always have your hands folded
Take Communion by the tongue unless you are sick then take it by the hand
After receiving Communion ALWAYS make the Sign of the Cross
Always kneel until the Priest sits down
Never leave Mass before the Priest has exited
Never leave Mass before the song is over

I received my First Holy Communion from this beautiful Priest and every Friday after that till I changed schools.  Father would always walk the halls with a smile on his face, he loved the school being open with all of the children learning about God.

My mom would take us to Church on Saturday evenings and I would see many adults not following the "rules" and wondering why?!?!  Did they not know?  Why did they get to receive Him without doing it right? Didn't they know who they were receiving?
Another thing that was different on the weekend was Father, he was not funny.  He was serious, and sometimes MAD!  I did not understand why?  Maybe he seen that they were not following the rules.... I understand now that he taught us as children, and he taught them as adults.  He was angry at times because people can be so stubborn...  Father could see the bigger picture, that all of this and that did not matter what did matter was what was happening in the Church that day!!!  Not only that day but everyday!
He had a passion, one that is not always alive in our priest.  I have been so Blessed to have been surrounded by Priest with a Passion for Christ.

We were also taught that every time we heard a siren to stop what we were doing and say a Hail Mary, we did this often sense the fire and police department where right up the street.  I still do this today, I will pray for the first responder, the injured and all who are in danger.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for Father Wischmeyer, Thank you for my mother and for Blessing me with great teachers, Thank you for loving me even when I did not acknowledge you.  Thank you for loving me when it was dark and lonely and thank you for loving me a sinner.
I pray that all will seek you!
In Jesus Name,

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