If you remember I was born in 1976, so kindergarten to me was not as it is today. In order to graduate we needed to know our ABC's and be able to count to a certain level (I believe it was 25).

I still remember some of the songs that Mrs. W taught us... "Like a sunflower that follows every movement of the sun, so I turn towards you and follow you my Lord..." oh and I cannot forget my favorite... "Smile don't you know God loves you come to think of it I love you too. Take the time to smile at someone and before your through someone will be smiling back at you".
Not only did I have an amazing teacher in Kindergarten but the coolest thing ever happen... Are you ready to hear this...
You got to graduate!!! Seriously they give five year old's diplomas and we were able to wear a cap and sash!
My grandma and grandpa came to show their support as they did for everything that I did. It still amazes me that I received a diploma for my ABC's but hey why not.
That was the beginning of my education at St. Mary Queen of Angels Catholic school. Everyone knew everyone and was so kind, the world can look so kind as a child.
Thank you Heavenly Father for my Mother who gave me a wonderful catholic school education, Thank you for putting Mrs. W into my life, Thank you for beautiful songs that we sang, Thank you for my memory in order to share them with others.
I pray that every child in this world has at least one Mrs. W. in their life.
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