Saturday, May 31, 2014


Have you ever had a friend that you just had to be around even when you were so mad you could scream!
My person was Nicole, yes she was my BEST friend, we did everything together, from playing in the playground, to sleepovers, to dressing her dog up in her baby clothes.

We went to different schools and different Church's but that did not matter all that mattered was that we liked each other and could spend hours together.
Sometimes we would argue when we were together too long but we would want to play again within minutes.

We did things girls our ages did we played Barbies. we played on the playground across the street at the school and we laughed a lot.

Nicole's house is the house that my brother and I spent the night at when my grandfather passed away.   I still to this day consider her parents a close second to my parents.
So here are a few stories of the crazy things we did together:

In our backyard there was a hole in the ground behind the house so of course we thought we could get to China that was until we thought we heard screams and then realized (in our young minds) that we were digging to hell.

I am sure you have all read the book about the money tree.... Nicole and I planted many pennies in her yard for our money tree.   Oh the dreams we had with the money that we were going to get... I am still waiting for that tree to grow.

We were playing outside at her house and my brother was there.. he had just bought some "poppers" you know they are in the fireworks section you throw them at the ground and they pop.  Well this car was coming down the road and he decided to throw it at the car.  He hit it right on the wheel, that car backed up and Nicole and I ran into the backyard.  He didn't thought.. the guy got out of the car asked him what he through and he showed him.  The guy said; "Cool can I have some" and left.

The craziest time was when my cousins were visiting, my uncle had brought them over.  So my cousin Jennifer, Patrick, Nicole and my brother and I went across the street to play at the playground.  Now I am afraid of heights.. let me rephrase that, I am afraid of a foot of the ground.
There was this dome jungle gym... here is a picture of one like it I found online..

They all loved to get on this thing but not me, I would go on the first ledge and that was it!
We were all playing having fun when out of no where this dog came at us.  Now I don't mean Lassie so get that cute adorable image out of your head, I mean a killer dog!

Everyone went for higher ground and it just so happened the higher ground was this stupid dome!  Now even when you are faced with the fear of being eaten to death my a dog the fear of heights is just someone how greater.
So as everyone was on this stupid thing I was ... well I have no idea what I was doing.
So my brother jumped off and began to run in the other direction, so the dog began chasing him.  Giving me enough time to get up on the slide.

We are all screaming BLOODY MURDER, what are we going to do.
The dog gets my brothers pant leg and we are still screaming HELP!!!
Out of no where four men jump over the fence... One had a pitch fork, another a shovel, they just showed up out of no where. 

The men disappeared as fast as they appeared, still chasing this dog.
When we got back to the house, we said; "Didn't you hear us screaming?" my mom's reply; "We thought you were having fun!"... this is one of those wow moments.

There are so many more memories that are special to me, we lived in a time that you could stay out all night.  We would spend hours on my swing set trying to swing as high  as possible trying to touch our feet to the sky.  We walked to each others house with no need to call when you get there because it was just that way.

Nicole and I were joined at the hip all the time, once middle school came it changed.  Yet somethings never change, we have found each other on social media and have ran into each other a couple times.  She even came up to my grandma's funeral and stayed with me for a long time.

I pray my daughter can have a friendship as great as mine and Nicole's.

Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me so much, Thank you for Blessing me with Nicole and her family, Thank you for those four men who showed up out of no where I believe you sent them, and thank you for always protecting me.
I pray that everyone in the world has at least one friend that they can tell anything too.
And I pray that all who read this seek you.
In Jesus Name I pray,

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