Saturday, May 31, 2014


I once seen pictures of a woman at my parish receive her Confirmation at an "older" age... The look of awe and peace in her eyes still to this day makes me smile.  Just by the look on her face you knew that she "got it"
I know it is a sin, but I want to be honest... I often get jealous of "older" people who come into the Faith because of that fact... they get it!
Let me explain it so I do not sound so ungrateful... because please do not get me wrong I am so grateful for my Faith.

I was Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church before six months of age, it was something you did.  There was no discussion about it, if you were Catholic it was done and that was it!

So of course I do not remember my Baptism.. and that is okay with me.  I witnessed my daughters and my God-daughters and that is good enough for me.

First Holy Communion is where I get a little caught up in the "Do the children really understand who they are receiving?  I remember that I had a girl scout thing the day of my First Communion and I received a tree that I had to plant.. I think I was more concerned about the tree dying then I was about getting ready... I know that sounds sad but I was in second grade!

Then my Confirmation, I know I had to pick out a Saint but I had no idea why.  I had to research her and write a paper about her... but why did I need a saint?

I often wonder if the age for such things are too young.  

In today's world I have seen first graders receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist and they know it is Him and they are overjoyed!!  These children also come from a wonderful Catholic family that discuss such things so they understand, and they do not leave it up to a CCD teacher to teach them in so many weeks.

Confirmation has also changed, my daughter will be making her Confirmation next year and she is going to a Conference in Ohio were teens from all over the world will come to worship Christ in the Eucharist.  

Kids are wiser now, and some have a deep yearning for the Lord.  This is so amazing for me to see.  There is nothing more precious then a child in love with Christ.  

Heavenly Father, Thank you for my mother who made sure that I received all of my Sacraments in the Church, Thank you for my grandparents who showed up for all of them, Thank you for the teachers who taught us when and how to do what.
I pray that more children will come to you Oh Lord,
In Jesus Name I pray,

"Let the Children Come to Me!"

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