Tuesday, May 27, 2014

PART TWO: The woman who chose to be a mother

I left you yesterday with my grandmother and the fact that I cannot write a paragraph and be done with all that she has done for me.  The same goes for the woman who chose to be a mother for a second time, and that is my mother Trudy Kay.
She came from a family of eight children even though my aunt Kathy died at ten days old.  My grandmother raised her children to believe in the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit and the teaching of the Roman Catholic church.  I can imagine them now going to church and filling up a pew with my mother being the oldest daughter and my grandmother having my twin uncles and aunt on her hip.   In all of the conversations and all the stories that my grandmother told me in my life she never once complained about being a mother, or having to take all of them to Church it was something that I believe she enjoyed.
My mother was Baptized in the Catholic Church as were her brothers and sisters, and she also received her First Holy Communion as did her brothers and sisters, it was not something someone thought about it was something that was done.  You knew that a baby needed to be baptized before six months of age and that a child would receive their First Holy Communion by second grade.  There was no debate, family discussion, nothing at all like that, it was clear and cut dry.  This is our Faith and this is how we were raised!
So when my mother was married and then years later had her first born it was no secret that he would be Baptized in the Catholic Church.  I came along two years later and I too would be Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church and I am so very proud of that fact.  My Aunt Jan was suppose to be my God-mother but she was sick so my Aunt Nancy stood in.  We lived in Flint at the time, I would be around one year of age when we would move to the house that we would live in for a good portion of our lives in Swartz Creek.
This was a great move because my mom's parent's lived in town and they were a huge part of our lives.  After mom had each of us she would go to her mother's house to recover from the birth and my grandmother would take care of her and us.  I can remember many times my mom had surgery and my grandmother opened her home to my mom so that she could take care of her.
The picture below is of my Mother's wedding day, I love this picture because of the way my grandfather is looking into her eyes.

You will not read much about my "real father" mostly because he was not one, who was there for me as a father should have been, but this blog is not about it him.  It is about people in my life that have helped me with my faith and the three people in the picture above did so much to help me that words cannot explain...
Although I will try...

Heavenly Father thank you for my Grandmother, Thank you for my Grandfather, Thank you for my mother and thank you for the love that you put in their heart.  The love that they had was such a love that only you could have been apart of it.  Thank you for my Faith, Thank you for my family and Thank you for loving me a sinner my Lord.
I pray that all will seek you!
In Jesus Name I pray!

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