Friday, May 30, 2014


When I left you I told you of the lose of my grandfather and how I did not pray because of the fact that I believed I did not know how to do it "Good enough".  So you can imagine when it came time for Mass on the weekend the fit I would throw.  I mean come on I already went on Friday with my school, I did not even think about my mom and dads soul... come on I was eight years old I do not even know if I even knew what a soul truly was.  

We could ride our bikes to my grandma's house and we often did, we could cut through the high school or go the "long way" and go around the corner.  My brother and I would race to see what way was faster, he would often win... okay he would always win.  My grandma's house was so huge, at least I thought it was when I was little... I thought it was a castle.  They had a bar in the basement and the cousins would always play bar on it.  It is funny to look back to have a bar and I never remember them having alcohol.    

It was a safe place to be, there were changes happening every where, not only did grandpa just pass but mom had remarried the year before.  On top of that I was being made to go and visit my "real dad" every other weekend.  Please do not get me wrong, my mom hated to see us go, it was the courts that made us.  I was unsure why he went to the courts to have us there when we where usually with a baby sitter.  I realized when I had my daughter that you pay less child support if you have your child spend the night. 

I remember one night getting into an argument with my mom, I am unsure what it was about but I was determined I was going to run away.  So I went into the garage and tried to open the door, now back then there was no magic button that would open it.  No, you had to pull a wire on one side and at the same time pull the other side.  I was too small to do it on my own, so I went into the house and asked for them to open the door so I could run away.  Looking back that was pretty silly, but hey I wanted my bike!
They of course said no, so out the front door I went, me and my stubbornness...

It was within minutes I heard someone come up behind me and it was my brother, he wanted to make sure I was okay and walked with me.

Now usually when we went to grandma's there was food everywhere.... not tonight.  She promised us she would not call our parents and within minutes in they walked.  I know she had too but she could have fed us first, (laughing as I write this) because as soon as mom got us home we where in bed for the night... no dinner.  Grandma had yelled at them for letting us walk out the front door and in turn she was mad at us.

As you can see one night without dinner did not hurt us.

Grandma would remarry many years later to my moms divorce attorney.  He would only live for a short time before he would pass.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for such a loving grandma, Thank you for my dad who came into a family that was already started and trying so hard to fit in, Thank you for my mom who loved us unconditionally, Thank you for my brother who was my protector was I was young.
I pray that all who have family hold tight to them because you never know when it will be the last day you see them.  I pray for peace and harmony in every family, and I pray that whomever is reading this seeks you my Lord.
In Jesus Name I Pray,

Listened too:

Casting Crowns The Well  
Casting Crowns My Own Worst Enemy
Casting Crowns Courageous
Casting Crowns Lifesong

Casting Crowns Until the Whole World Hears

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