Thursday, May 29, 2014


It was 1980 something and it was a time when I was still spending the dreaded every other weekend with my "real" father.   We had just came off of Miller rd coming from Swartz Creek and he turned onto Bristol rd... He had a pickup truck and back then no one ever really wore their seat belts, and there was no electric anything inside that truck.  He was driving with my brother in the middle while I was up against the passenger door.  The window was down because it was a warm day, I was told to role up the window.  Now when I say role up the window I mean crank the crank to role up the window.  I was young and it usually took me forever but this day was different... This day was very different in deed.

Picture it Flint Township corner of Bristol rd and Linden rd...  A man who had just picked up a hitchhiker is traveling southbound on Linden rd.  Oh yes it is very important for you to know that this man is drunk... VERY drunk.  The truck I am riding in is going eastbound on Bristol (towards the airport).  The light was green so there was no need to stop or even slow down... or was there.

To this day I always look both ways when going through an intersection, why?

The man in the car ran that red light and hit the truck at a high rate of speed, I remember as if it was yesterday.  The sound of metal, glass, and being thrown about as if I was a rag doll.  The truck would flip over five times until it stopped upside down.  The smell of gasoline was so strong, he had just filled up both tanks that day.  After the truck stopped he grabbed my brother and took him to safety, but I was in the truck on my hands and knees trying to find a way out.

Glass was cutting my hands and knees as I was crawling with my eyes closed.  I was terrified, there are times in a girls life when they just want their mom and this was definitely one of them.  I could see a light even though my eyes were closed so I followed it, I had no idea what or where I was going but it felt safe.  As the light became brighter I felt these strong arms grab me.  Seconds later I heard a crash... I had been crawling under the truck and had made my way to the end of the tailgate, which was about to come crashing down on me when I was rescued by?

No one seen the person who grabbed me, so many people stopped to look about and so many police, fire, ambulance.... but no one seen who grabbed me and took me to the ambulance.

This was the first time that I met my angel, there are many stories about him.  He has protected me more times than I can count and has warned me of danger.
I was in a group at Church one time and a woman said something that has stuck with me: "Do you realize that everything you do, even in your most private times when you are alone your angel sees?  We must pray for forgiveness to our Angels"
St. Faustina wrote that IF Angels could be envious they would be envious of two things:
1. The receiving of The Holy Eucharist
2. Being able to suffer.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for my Angel, Thank you putting him in my life, Thank you for saving me many times, Thank you for the joy that you bring me, Thank you for the world that you have created, Thank you for the friends that you have given me.
Heavenly Father, I pray that whomever is reading this tries to let go of the negative in their life, I pray that they know there is so much more, joy, love, hope, peace!
I pray these things In Your Name,

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