Friday, May 30, 2014


As one sits down and starts to write about their past many memories come up instantly, and others come up days or even years later...
These are a few memories that I remembered that are so dear to my heart that I still carry to this day.

Things I learned in Catholic School:
Whenever you say the Name "Jesus" ALWAYS bow your head... so if you say the Rosary you should bow your head 1 time for the Apostles Creed, 53 times for each Hail Mary 5 times for each "Oh My Jesus.." and 1 more for the Hail Holy Queen and total of 60 times.  It is a beautiful name and a powerful name one that as an adult I use often.

When I was in school and before my grandpa died I LOVED my faith.  I used to lay in bed at night and try and think of a way to turn my closet into an altar.  Seriously, I did.. at one point I had all kinds of pictures (that I had made) hung up in my closet.  I thought if I could go some place quite to pray and be alone with Christ, wow what a life I could have.  Little did I know He was and always has been with me.

I remember one day my mom found out that my brother and I had swore, I don't even remember the word we said.  She told us that we had to go to Confession that Friday after Mass.  I was terrified, not because Father was mean... No he was the kindest man I have ever met.  It was the fact that we talked often and even if I went behind the screen he would know my voice!!
So I told my brother; "If I tell mom that you went would you tell mom that I went?"  He said; "No way she would find out!".  He was right she had eyes and ears everywhere in that Church... I wonder if that was part of the tuition?!?! 

So in we went, I cannot even remember who went first. Or if Father asked what word it was.
I don't even remember what my penance was... it was just the idea of telling him what I did. Funny thing is Christ already knew, so it really was no big deal.

I loved Christmas, I still do but at school the big celebration was the day you walked around with one shoe... If you are Catholic and or went to Catholic school you know what I mean.  

December 5th... The feast of St. Nicholas... Yes sir it was usually after lunch and recess and we had to put one of our shoes out in the hallway...  Within an hour or two we would find goodies in them... Now if you were a boy and had stinky feet... who am I kidding they didn't care.

I was not a popular kid, but everyone knew me... does that make sense?  it doesn't to me either, recess was fun when I was little but after fifth grade no one wanted to risk their lives on the merry go round anymore...  Oh yes I have to tell you, only if you promise not to try this at home...
We used to load up on that, I mean pack full... and then four to five boys would get in the middle aka "the danger zone" they would each get into a section and start running as fast as they could and when it got fast enough they would hop on... NOW if they were slow the bar would hit them and well no more play time for all of us...
I only remember a few times someone getting hurt, but we would wait till the mom's were not watching and then off they would go...
It would go so fast... just thinking of it makes me dizzy.

May Crowning was another wonderful time, especially if you had just received your first communion because you were special.  You had to wear your Communion dresses, shoes, veil and make sure you were beautiful for Mary.  We were suppose to bring Flowers from home, now because of my Great-Grandma's rule of NO artificial flowers we would always call grandma a couple days in advance and we would go on our way to school to her house and she would have to most beautiful flower bouquets all made up.  Lilacs, tulips, and so much more.

*Pictured is Father Wischmeyer from my home town Parish.
Prayer:  Heavenly Father Thank you for priest with the heart of gold as Father W. had, Thank you for the memories I have in the school, Thank you for giving me more than I deserve, and Thank you for loving me a sinner.
I pray that everyone whom is reading this will take time to look for the little things in their life and will look for a deeper relationship with you.
In Jesus Name I pray,

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