Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Today as I sat in the booth at Leo's in Flint I looked across the table at my mom and thought to myself; "Is this how I am going to die... here?!"

Today started off with getting my daughter and her friend up early (for summer that is)..
They are helping out at Vacation Bible School at our Church, after I dropped them off I had to meet my mom in Flint.
On the way to the Church I remembered that we forgot to take down the curtains in my daughters room that were too short... So after dropping them off I called my mom and told her I had to run back home.
I came home got them down and off I was..

I was running late so I got on the expressway, thinking of the fastest way.
Yet as I got closer to my exit (miller rd) I began to feel really sick...

The pain that began in my lower stomach began to move into my back and chest...
I remember getting off at my exit and breathing as if I was in labor, trying to get through the pain...
I pulled into Leo's and I have no idea how I walked in but I did... I sat down and was in even more pain.
I asked for some saltine crackers because I had taken a pain med on an empty stomach and thought maybe this was causing it... Yet this pain was so bad.  I have had gallstones and kidney-stones and this was up there.
My mom said lets go I will take you to the Hospital and I looked at her... I needed someone now.
Yet I HATE hospitals... Nothing against anyone who works there, it is just me (and many others)
As I look back what was I thinking.... Sitting there wondering if I could sit it out!!
Mom called 911, and the ambulance was there in no time.
I got in the back of the rig and they took my BP 110/80 good for me...
They hooked me up to a monitor but because I have a pacemaker it only showed that it was working.
I began to feel better, as I sat there and the two ambulance workers were talking about my stats I was going back and forth in my mind about my day...
I had to pick up the girls by noon, he was telling me that my levels had to be checked and rechecked in three hours... I could not do that and I was feeling better.

I told them I was feeling better and I was!  Mom had already went to McLaren, so I had to use his phone to call her.  I went inside ate some more crackers and felt a lot better.

By the time I got the girls I was 100% better!

As I thought about writing this I thought about my mom and how many times she has been scared because of my health.  It is insane the amount of times she has been in the hospital right along side me.  As a mother I could only imagine how scared she must be, today as I looked at her I could see her on the verge of tears.  It must be scary not knowing when...

As I was writing this a little light went of in my head:
Every health scare I have had has been a little (some of them were big) wake up call from the big guy up stairs.  Since I have fallen into a rut and have not been to Church in a couple weeks and was going almost everyday I cannot help but wonder if He is not trying to wake me up...

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