Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I remembered a very important part of middle school that I forget to tell you about...
This is not my story, yet the impact it had on this person effected me in ways that still to this day remind me to say; "I love you"

Her name I will not share for her privacy, we attended middle school together.  We knew of each other but were not "friends" even though we did talk.
I remember it was math class and one day she was not there.
The night before her and her mother had gotten into an argument and her mother left.
She would get into an accident and die, it effected my classmate so much.

Her last words to her and her mother shared were not anything nice.

I could not imagine loosing my mom, even though we would get into arguments and I would say those dreadful words that no mother wants to hear... "I hate you!".. I always loved her.
From that day on I would say I love you every time I left someone, or right before I hung up the phone with someone.
I remember the first time I said "I love you" to my grandma on the phone, it was not something that we said... Which is weird because there was great love.. maybe it was something that we knew but just didn't say.  Anyway it caught her off guard and she said; "bye".  She ended up calling me back within minutes to tell me that she loved me too.
From that day forward we would always say "I love you!" even on voice mails she would say it.

My mom and I are the same, we tell each other all the time "I love you"
And if you are my friend on facebook you will see that I write "I love you" often and it is true.  I do love you, we should love all of our family and friends and wish only the best for them.

So in case you are not aware of it, there is someone out that loves you and prays that you are well.

Heavenly Father Thank you for all of my family and friends, Thank you for the love that you have given me that I can give back to others, Thank you for your love and mercy!
I pray that everyone feels how much you love them and I pray we all seek a closer relationship with you everyday.
I Jesus Name I Pray,

I Will Rise         Chris Tomlin  
I Will Follow Chris Tomlin
How He Loves (Radio Version) David Crowder Band  

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