Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Reminder that Doxology is a part of the mass, that wonderful time when the Priest holds up the Eucharist and says the following...
Doxology and Great Amen:
:  "Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever." (Sung)
All Amen! (sung)

I shared with you earlier the beauty that I seen and felt this morning at Mass.  I am called to tell you the wonderful things I have seen in the past.

The first time I seen something during this beautiful time was a dove, and he just seemed to fly above the altar.  I had my eyes closed but I could sense He was above the altar.  This brought me great peace and joy.
This would happen for many weeks, at different times more things would happen.

It would be a few weeks before the beauty of Christ was shared with me.  It was a warm day in the Church. 
 We always sit in the front and the stain glass windows are right to the left and above us, they are so beautiful. We attend the 5:00 mass so the sun is setting so it gets warm at times.
I had my eyes closed during this point in mass as I always do when I seen the dove, then I felt this cool breeze go by me as if someone has just walked by very fast in front of me... but there was a pew full of people in front of me.  I opened my eyes because it caught me off guard and I lost the image.
The next week, the dove appeared and then the breeze this time I focused on the dove and the peace I felt.  Then they appeared, the ceiling was full of a multitude of angels flying towards the altar and as we sang Amen... Christ came from the top of the ceiling into the Eucharist.  I did not want to open my eyes.  I was in awe, I was seeing the true existence of Christ in the Eucharist!
Yet it was time for the Our Father so I stood up with tears in my eyes and as I received the Eucharist I cried like a baby.
The next time I seen something beautiful was just recently, my dog had to be put to sleep due to a brain tumor.  I went to mass the day after and was so heartbroken, she went with me everywhere.  At the exact point in mass I bowed my head and closed my eyes when I seen Mary, now there was a statue of Mary on the Altar for May but the Mary I seen looked nothing like the statue.  The statue was Our Lady of Grace and the Lady that I seen was all in white with a crown... in her arms was my Lady bug.  I was shocked as I could not believe what I was seeing.  My dog tilted her head as she often did and gave me a look of "Why are you sad, I am at peace" from that instant I had a smile on my face and was happy.  I still miss her but I know she is in a safe place and I pray I will see her one day.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for Blessing me beyond words, Thank you for showing me your great love and mercy, and thank you for allowing me to share it with others.
I pray that my words will help someone on their walk with Christ and I pray that we all seek a closer relationship with Him.
In Jesus Name I Pray,

listened too:
Beautiful, Beautiful Francesca Battistelli
Free to Be Me Francesca Battistelli
This Is the Stuff Francesca Battistelli 
Lead Me to the Cross Francesca Battistelli

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