Monday, June 2, 2014

REFLECTION: 6'2'2014

At Mass this morning, I said my usual prayers..
I started with the Act of Hope and then reflected on it and how I can change in my life...
Then I prayed the Act of Love... this is the prayer that always gets me thinking and I usually hear or see something from the Lord.

Today I was told that I need to start taking my computer to the church and staying after until my daughter gets out of school.
What I was to do was pretty cool... I was to reflect on what the priest said, the readings and what I heard from God Himself and type it out.

I have a hard time with my memory and God knows this... I believe this is why He wants me to do bring my computer to the Church.
I even had a vision of myself sitting in the back with my computer plugged in to the side wall.

I do not even know if there is a plug in back there.. I will check tomorrow and if there is I will probably cry.

Again today I went through Mass without receiving Communion, this is so hard for me because there is a part of me that craves that beautifulness.  As everyone was receiving Communion I was praying and I heard "this is your penance". After mass I asked Father G. if I could have a confession, he said yes.. which I was told last week that he would give me confession.
He was upset  and told me that I should never go to mass and not receive the Eucharist unless I had killed someone, or if it had been a very long time.  He said but to miss two masses and to return and not receive it he said that was a penance enough. The same words that I heard when I was praying!!!

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, Thank you for loving me a sinner, Thank you for forgiving me always, Thank you for Father G. he is a Blessing to all, Thank you for my life and all who are in it, and thank you for these beautiful messages and images.
I pray that these words will help others with their relationship with you.
In Jesus Name I pray,

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