Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I will jump ahead on my journey... because it is my story and I can =)

In 1999 I was working for Buick City, what an amazing job and an amazing opportunity.  I had been working there for a while when we heard the news that Buick was closing.  I still do not believe that it has closed and even more shocking that it has been torn down.
That was my BIG job, I was one of three supervisors over all men... I always told everyone I was paid to tell a bunch of men were to go and how to get there.
Our job was to basically make sure the plant did not shut down, so when the guys at the plant went to lunch came back and seen that they were low on a part they would call me and I would get one of my switchers (drivers) to go over take out the empty trailer and put in the new one loaded with the parts that they needed.

It was so much fun, it was a job were you could have fun but there was a time and place and everyone knew when it was time not to mess around.
We all worked together to make sure that Buick city ran smoothly... We were always told how much it would cost if the plant shut down... It was around so many thousands of dollars a MINUTE!!!  If the plant shut down, it stopped making parts, if it stopped making parts, people were unhappy.  My job was to make everyone happy... The plant only shut down one time on my watch... and that was a night I will never forget.

We all knew the plant was closing and everyone was on edge, the drivers knew they would be out of a job and the three of us girls (first, second and third shift supervisors) all were told we would be taken care of.. What a joke that was... but that is for another day.
There was a couple of drivers who going to not go down quietly, they were upset with me because I was "going to be taken of" and they were basically screwed.   They began going back and forth over the radio talking smack about me, so I did something that I should not have and I still regret to this day.. I turned the radio down....

The phone started ringing from the office next door and they asked if I was listening... something had happened!!!!
I turned the radio up and I could not believe my ears!!!
The driver that was making the biggest fuss turned into the plant and the parts on his trailer were not loaded right and it shifted... as he turned all of the parts went to one side and turned over... the weight of the trailer caused the tractor the driver was in to fall on its side with the trailer.  Not only did the plant need those parts but he was blocking the entrance to the plant!

No one was harmed, I have to laugh now as I am writing this... I keep hearing the word "Karma".

I met up with this driver and his wife a few years later and him and his family were doing great!
I often think about the guys that I worked with they were my big brothers and often my protectors.

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