Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I left you off with the fact that the guy were like my big brothers and often my protectors...
It reminded me of a time when they did protect me.

We had to call Buick when our computers went down, that was always fun (NOT).
Whenever I called I would usually get the same guy, this guy would become a stalker.
I never thought in my lifetime that I would ever have a stalker, I mean come on!
Yet this person went beyond the mark of stalker.

When I started my job at Buick I was with a temp agency, but when the plant was told that it was going to close down they moved us to another part of town.  At that time we were given the titles supervisors and paid by Buick City.  

 I had my first contact with him at the first place, and as I stated would talk to him a lot.  We did not have the best computer system, and would talk often.
Then he began to call me when my computer went out, which was weird.. I always wondered if he made it go off line.

When we moved to the new location it began to get really creepy, I went tanning one day and when I came out there was a note on my car.  When I got to work he told me that he was in the video store when I was tanning and watched me go in and come out....

I did not tan for a while, but the next time I did he made physical contact.  I was getting in my car and I heard my name I turned around and he hugged me.  I was terrified!!!

When I got home I told my mom and a couple days later I received flowers at my house!!!
He told me that he followed me home one day and even seen me outside. 

Friday nights when the plant was not working weekends I would work until 2 sometimes 3 a.m. One night I got a call and he said he was coming to see me... I was terrified.  The drivers were not suppose to be inside the office with us but I told them what was going on and they never left my side.
One of them even got into his personal truck and chased him off the lot, he was able to get his licensed plate number for me... I took the number to a friend I knew he, was able to run the plate and tell me this guy was married and has kids my age!!!!

It ended because of my brother... I told him what was going on and lets just say that he took care of it with a phone call.

God was not in my life... No let me rephrase that... I was not in God's life but He has always been in mine, protecting me, sending me the right people to watch over me.
This time in my life I would tell people I was Catholic, I have always been proud of my Faith but I was not attending Church.

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