Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I missed Mass due to the fact that I chose to go to a BBQ instead of Church, now the BBQ started at 12:00 (noon) but it was about 45 minutes away from the Church.  So to be honest I cannot say that; "I thought we would be back in time for 5:00 Mass" because that would be a lie.
So this morning I took my daughter to school and drove to Church, as usual I prayed the Act of Hope and Act of Love.... It is often after praying the Act of Love and I am reflecting that I have heard Christ and or seen a vision.

Today after reciting the Act of Hope I went over my sins and knew that I needed to go to Confession.  There was no if's and's or but's about it...  
After I prayed the Act of Love I was told that if a certain Priest was there I would be able to receive Communion because he would hear my Confession afterwards.
Then when our Priest came out I was happy (although he was not the name I heard) he had never told me no when approached for confession.  

As we approached the part of Mass when we say; 
“Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” 
I began to pray again as I usually do... and I heard; "You need Confession!"
As everyone began to get up out of their seat to receive Communion I stayed in my pew on my knees in prayer.

As we stood to be dismissed Father asked us to sing, as we ended the song I looked up and he was gone.  I am so Thankful for the God and his guidance, telling me to go to Confession before receiving Communion.

"How humble a soul becomes when it goes to Mass and does not receive the Blessed Sacrament"  TKP 5/27/2014

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