But in order to vision what I seen I have to tell you more...
Doxology and Great Amen:
It was during this part of Mass that I shut my eyes as I usually do, I never look at the Eucharist because I believe there are amazing miraculous things happening. I have been Blessed to see these things happen.
Today as I closed my eyes and Father held up the Eucharist and sang those beautiful words: Doxology and Great Amen:
Priest: "Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever." (Sung)
All: Amen! (sung)
I seen a heart, not a heart you would see at valentines day but a human heart and as I focused on the heart two things begin to happen:
1. My heart began to pace (I could feel this through my pacemaker)

We stood up from kneeling to say the Our Father and I was crying, why did He choose me? I do not know why but I do know that I will tell everyone that will listen that Christ is real and He is real in the Sacrament.
Heavenly Father Thank you for showing me your most sacred heart, Thank you for loving me and for loving all, Thank you for your Great Mercy, Thank you for being a God of greatness, I praise you with all of my heart, You are the love of my life, I shall not want anyone another than you.
I pray that these words will help others see you in the Eucharist, and believe.
I pray that we all seek you more every day>
In Jesus Name I Pray!
Listen too:
Restless Audrey Assad
Carry Me Audrey Assad
Ought to Be Audrey Assad
The Only Name (Yours Will Be) Big Daddy Weave
It Is Well (Oh My Soul) Brandon Heath
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