Wednesday, June 4, 2014


I left you with the story of Sister Claudia and how they named the warming center after her, this story if jumping ahead many years BUT it has to do with the warming center.
As my daughter and I went to the warming center which is downtown Flint, we parked by the sign.  The door was locked, now again we are in downtown flint.
I noticed a sign that said warning center with an arrow, so I went to follow it with my daughter in tow.
It was an alley that went between a house and the school, there were a few men in the alley but for some reason I did not seemed bothered by this... BUT my angel had his guard up.
I heard MISS!!!!
I looked over and a man who appeared out of no where was standing there, he asked; "Can I help you?" I explained that I wanted to see the place that was named after Sister Claudia.
He said in a stern voice; "Get in your truck, DRIVE through the alley and it will be right there"
I said thank you and my daughter and I got back in the truck.  As I went to thank him he was gone as fast as he came.

Thank you Father for protecting me and my daughter that day, Thank you for always watching over us.  I love you and praise you!

Hold Us Together Matt Maher  
You Were On the Cross Matt Maher  

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