Thursday, June 12, 2014

Part 18: My Other Brother...

My brother met a friend named Gary one day during the summer, we lived across the street from a school and we often played there.  We had seen Gary ride bye a few times on his homemade bike.  Now you need to know what I mean by "homemade", Gary and his father were very smart.  They could take anything and turn it into something..
Gary's bike looked like kit from Knight rider.

From the front of the bike with the lite...
to the watch that talked to him.  They would be together forever from that point on.
The stuff that these two would pull was unbelievable and memorable.  Gary was the kind of guy that would get along with anybody he was just that relaxed and lovable.  

They were in the same grade together so we would sometimes ride to school together.  These were the only two that I ever knew that would like to get to school early.  I would soon find out why.

Gary had a CB radio in his car and an antenna that was taller than most bridges...
They would sit in the school parking lot acting as if they were televangelist heckling the truck drivers.  Telling them to; "Put their hands on the microphone and feel the power of God!!!"  The truckers would usually respond with a; "If you don't get off this channel I am going to find you and kick your...: well you know.

I can remember so much of my life that included him... yes he was my brothers friend but if you knew our family you knew Gary.  He was just that kind of a person, I cannot think of one person who did not like him.... well dad did not like him or my brother the day they decided to take the car to the cemetery in the mud... they got stuck and well after putting their heads together they thought they could use the car jack to lift the car out of the mud.... needless to say the jack went into the mud.  They ended up calling for help... my brother did not get into much trouble because Gary would make fun of the way my mom would say his name and you could not help but laugh. Thinking back now they probably had that all worked out ahead of time.
Gary moved in move us for about a minute, he thought we had the life... you know the grass is always greener on the other side.  He thought that until mom gave him a list of chores and he was home by night. Gary fell asleep on the way home from work and his seat belt broke... I still go to the cemetery to talk to him.  I wonder what he would think about life and were it has lead us.  He is probably up there shaking his head at the whole citation. When Gary died this song was famous and I wrote out the words and gave them to his mom.  

I still miss you brother, I miss you laughter that was so contagious, I miss your humor, I miss the way you would walk across the street yelling "Pedestrians have the right of way!!", I miss the way you and I talked when my brother was not around, I miss the way you felt safe around us, I miss the way I felt safe around you, I miss you and your G&R music that mom thought was "Devil music" lol, I miss your skinny butt in those jeans, I miss your spiky hair", I just miss you!
To the boy who was much cooler that anyone ever imagined, and who gave us internet before it was even really known about (but mom made us take it down because of all the wires).  As your tombstone says Enjoy the Silence... but if I know you... you are rocking it out with some of the coolest people ever.
You are missed and loved everyday! RIP 10/26/95

Go rest High Video

                                          "Go Rest High On That Mountain"

I know your life
On earth was troubled
And only you could know the pain
You weren't afraid to face the devil
You were no stranger to the rain

Go rest high on that mountain
Son, you work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and Son

Oh, how we cried the day you left us
We gathered round your grave to grieve
I wish I could see the angels faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing

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