Monday, October 20, 2014


I was running late something that I hardly ever do and something that I do not like to do...
So a little added stress... As we entered the parking lot we ended up having to park on the lawn due to no parking spaces...
I looked at the clock and it was 4:57 we had three minutes before Mass began...
We entered to  hear the amazing Worship music that greats up every Sunday and the Deacon's smiling face...
I was stressed because I always sit in the same spot,,, I know we do not have assigned seats yet I feel at home in my own seat...
As I made my way around the corner with my daughter following me I seen our spot wide open as if God had said "Here you go daughter, Breathe, sit down and listen"
You know that sound "How He loves us" I felt as if I could sing "Oh How He Knows Me"
which is so very true...

The opening song caught me... as if it was being sung just for me...
Then I felt a presence and looked over it was our priest.. He shook my hand and said; "Three weeks" with a huge smile on his face... that smile that our priest is known for... it is a contagious smile...
I had so many emotions and questions in my mind... Wow it has been three weeks.. I cannot believe he knew that before I did.. what an amazing man of God.... I have made it through a storm and have came out tired, but found myself covered in the blood of Jesus....

At Mass I seen something amazing...
No I am not hallucinating... As father held up the Eucharist I closed my eyes as I always do and there it was...
A long table... a never ending table and as I looked closer and closer to the head of the table I seen my grandma and her mother with Christ...
What an amazing sign from God in His home that my great grandma and grandma are together in Heaven with Christ..
This made me so happy that tears ran down my face...

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