Tuesday, October 7, 2014


After a long night.. one of me crying most of the night to my grandma to please help me and to God to please forgive me... I met my new roommate... Due to confidentially I cannot go into much detail but I do have to say that she helped me A LOT!!  She sang to me an old Gospel hymn and I knew that God had put me in that room for a reason..
The song went like this:
Come in the room, Come in the room, Jesus is my doctor He writes all my Scriptures He gives me all of my medicine in the room...

I am so Thankful for her...  The next morning was hard, my first full day..
I could hear someone calling out "Breakfast" I got up and went and received my tray and sat down but the smell of it made me so sick that I went back to the room...
Then about thirty minutes later I heard a loud voice I knew I better get up... it was a man who was going over the rules.. (the same ones everyday) I was in the corner wrapped up in blankets still scared to death...
People were making jokes and laughing and I just did not know why or how they could be laughing in this place...
After he was done it was time to get to work... You were encouraged to get dressed and walk around in your own clothes but I did not have any and visiting day was on Saturday and this was Friday... So I walked around in the hospital gown and lots of blankets.
The next thing I knew it was activity time...
There was Motown music and making bracelets and for a second I forgot where I was... I remembered my mom singing these songs when I was younger... the Temptations, the Four tops and so much more... I was doing great until a woman spoke up and said "It makes you forget where you are doesn't it" and just like a snap I was back to reality.
When it was over we had a ten minute break and it was time for group...
I heard so many stories... then it was lunch time again I could not eat... I went to my room and asked for my social worker... When she came in I started crying telling her I was not like these people... I did not belong here.. and the weekend was coming up and you do not get credit for Saturday and or Sunday.. I was so frustrated.  She told me to try and relax and try to get better my potassium was 0.  I stayed in bed for the rest of the day.  
I have never prayed so much in my life, I actually was praying to my grandma more than God.  I was begging her to give me her strength because I did not know how I was going to do it.  Little did I know she would be with me there and every where I went...

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