Saturday, October 11, 2014


Tuesday came along just like any other day....
Breakfast, came early and fast...
Then rules... again the same ones EVERYDAY, yet there were some extra ones today because it was visitor day!!!
Activity for the woman was full of student nurses I think there were more of them then us...
Then group at this point I began to pick up on people and the way they acted towards other people... I guess I was becoming more like "Tina" it was hard to see people want the floor and everyone to pay attention during their time then when it was up they would fall asleep or get up and leave... I was the last person to talk...
There were very few people in the room and I said "I wish the new people did not get up and leave because when I first came in here I hated my mom, I blamed everything on her and now I realize that she was protecting my daughter from a very mean person that I had become..."
Lunch was served and right before visiting hours I was called in to see the doctor...
She said; "You do not want to go to group" and I interupted her and said "What do you think I should do?" She said "I believe it would be good for you, it is a step-down from here and you would not be going home with nothing" I then agreed to do it saying "you are the expert" She then said the words I never thought I would hear "Well if you agree you can be released today!"
My mom came at 2:00 to visit me and at 2:34 I was released, I left quick and only said good-bye to only a few because it was sad...
I walked out of the hospital with no shoes on... just my hospital socks...
As I stood outside waiting for my mom to pull the car up I just stood there breathing in the fresh air... it was the most amazing feeling in the world..
Fresh air.. what we take for granted until it is taken away from us...
What I did not know was I was about to be shaken alive and what I would learn was not good....

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