The first time I seen a woman wear a veil, other than Our Blessed Mother or any other woman in her time... was at my old parish. I was at Adoration and a woman came in with a veil on. It was so beautiful, not just the veil but the peace she seemed to have within as she prayed.
I went home that night and looked up veils and fell in love with so many of them... but I did not have the money. So I waited, as the Easter vigil came closer I knew in my heart that this would be the evening that I would wear my veil for the first time. Yet the timing of the ordering would not permit it, BUT I received my veil Saturday the day of the Easter Vigil. My daughter was not sure if she wanted to be seen with me, and on top of that this was our first Easter vigil and she heard how long they could be.
Still we went an hour early to get a great seat right up front, my veil was an infinity scarf so when not worn as a veil it looked like a scarf. The Mass began as we went outside to lite the fire and then come back in, it was so amazing to see so many come into the Church. The love in each of their eyes it was clear that they were here because they chose it and knew God's love.
After all of the readings I put my veil on after they brought the gift's up to the altar.
As soon as I put my veil on I felt as if it was just Christ and myself and no one else in the Church even though the Church was packed. I cried like a baby, because although I had been a Catholic all my life I was seeing this beautiful Sacrament that was offered to me and for me.
The next Sunday my daughter and I went to Church and I put my veil on before I entered the Church. My daughter said: "Mama, you don't put that on till before Communion when Jesus is present". I told her; "Jesus is always present in the tabernacle!"
It felt odd, I noticed looks yet as soon as I realized why I was doing it the looks did not matter. And as my Uncle Tim would say; "Do not always jump to the conclusion that a look is negative". He is a wonderful man and I love him!
I cried through the homily, I cried as Christ was held up and I cried as I took Communion. I felt that peace again, that closeness. I would wear that veil to every mass and still continue to wear it.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for the freedom to wear a veil, Thank you for the freedom to attend Church everyday, Thank you for the freedom to be me, I praise you always!
I pray that every woman will put down their signs of "Feminism" and realize that wearing a veil in Church has nothing to do with the right to vote, the right to be paid a fair wage, and the right to be a woman. It is a closeness that is indescribable and I pray that they as I did will lay down their stubbornness because as I have learn in our stubbornness we often loose site of you.
In Jesus Name I pray,
Listened too:
Casting Crowns City On the Hill
Casting Crowns Jesus, Friend of Sinners
Casting Crowns Already There
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Continuation Part 8: Summer's and growing up...
I left you off at a strange part... note to self do not blog when you are tired.
Summer's were so much fun at the lake, and we did not have to worry about going to Church. At this point in my life I wanted little to nothing to do with Church. I do not think I was mad at God for taking my grandpa I was mad at myself for not being good enough.
When I was in third grade my mom put me in public school and it did not work out so she put me back into the same Catholic School I had attended my whole life... yet it felt as if the kids did not know me. Lunches and recess you know the time that kids look forward to I dreaded.
No one would play with me unless their friend did not show up and then they would play with me until their friend came back to school.
I remember in Church I would take the missal and open it to the middle then tuck each page in the center first the right side then the left then the right and so on until it could not fit anymore... then I would open it up and it would flow open... The teachers did not like that because it made noise, it made the kids laugh and it was a sure sign I was not paying attention.
When it was summer, I was so happy, two hour drives up north that seemed to last so much longer. There was a Catholic Church in town and I believe my grandma and or my mom went one time but I never did. I was a outsider even in my family, my cousins went into town to roller skate and I stayed behind because I did not like skating.
Year after year we would go up to Caseville and we would look forward to it. Life it so funny, you really do not know how Blessed you are until you take time and evaluate your life and who is in it.
The summers I spent in Caseville contain so many memories, bomb-fires on the beach, playing hide n seek at midnight, sneaking Aunt Jan's wine coolers (did I just type that), playing cards in the back room for hours and of course being in the lake!
One memory was of a house a couple doors down from grandma's they had a fire and had rebuilt the house and it was beautiful. They had a party to celebrate and there were people in boats that came and a couple of us walked down to enjoy the fireworks they were going to light on the beach.
We where sitting on a deck with our feet in the sand, my cousin Becky was on my lap. They had not lit off too many before the wind knocked one over and it was pointed right in our direction.
I began to scoot back on my butt but it was too late one of the flames went up her jeans and burned her leg. I will never forget that, we rushed back to the house and grandma was all over taking care of her.
A good memory that we often joke about is Hans and Franz...
I'm Hans and I'm Franz and I am here to pump... you ... up...
Yes we would be in the lake and we would each be a character and one would say
"I am Hans" and the other would say "I am Franz" and we would both say "we are her to pump"
go under water come up and say "You up"
LOL So funny, but hey we had fun...
I remember going out after a storm and the waves were higher than us kids but my Uncle Jim was with us. We loved it and it was so much fun, we never felt unsafe.
Thank you Lord for Blessing me with my Grandma, Thank you for watching over all of us the night of the fireworks, Thank you for Blessing our family with a beautiful home on the water for so many years, Thank you for all the memories,
I pray that we will slow down and look at the little things in life that make the bigger things so small. I also pray that we all seek you!
In Jesus Name I Pray,
Listening too:
Summer's were so much fun at the lake, and we did not have to worry about going to Church. At this point in my life I wanted little to nothing to do with Church. I do not think I was mad at God for taking my grandpa I was mad at myself for not being good enough.
When I was in third grade my mom put me in public school and it did not work out so she put me back into the same Catholic School I had attended my whole life... yet it felt as if the kids did not know me. Lunches and recess you know the time that kids look forward to I dreaded.
No one would play with me unless their friend did not show up and then they would play with me until their friend came back to school.
I remember in Church I would take the missal and open it to the middle then tuck each page in the center first the right side then the left then the right and so on until it could not fit anymore... then I would open it up and it would flow open... The teachers did not like that because it made noise, it made the kids laugh and it was a sure sign I was not paying attention.
When it was summer, I was so happy, two hour drives up north that seemed to last so much longer. There was a Catholic Church in town and I believe my grandma and or my mom went one time but I never did. I was a outsider even in my family, my cousins went into town to roller skate and I stayed behind because I did not like skating.
Year after year we would go up to Caseville and we would look forward to it. Life it so funny, you really do not know how Blessed you are until you take time and evaluate your life and who is in it.
The summers I spent in Caseville contain so many memories, bomb-fires on the beach, playing hide n seek at midnight, sneaking Aunt Jan's wine coolers (did I just type that), playing cards in the back room for hours and of course being in the lake!
One memory was of a house a couple doors down from grandma's they had a fire and had rebuilt the house and it was beautiful. They had a party to celebrate and there were people in boats that came and a couple of us walked down to enjoy the fireworks they were going to light on the beach.
We where sitting on a deck with our feet in the sand, my cousin Becky was on my lap. They had not lit off too many before the wind knocked one over and it was pointed right in our direction.
I began to scoot back on my butt but it was too late one of the flames went up her jeans and burned her leg. I will never forget that, we rushed back to the house and grandma was all over taking care of her.
A good memory that we often joke about is Hans and Franz...
I'm Hans and I'm Franz and I am here to pump... you ... up...
Yes we would be in the lake and we would each be a character and one would say
"I am Hans" and the other would say "I am Franz" and we would both say "we are her to pump"
go under water come up and say "You up"
LOL So funny, but hey we had fun...
I remember going out after a storm and the waves were higher than us kids but my Uncle Jim was with us. We loved it and it was so much fun, we never felt unsafe.
Thank you Lord for Blessing me with my Grandma, Thank you for watching over all of us the night of the fireworks, Thank you for Blessing our family with a beautiful home on the water for so many years, Thank you for all the memories,
I pray that we will slow down and look at the little things in life that make the bigger things so small. I also pray that we all seek you!
In Jesus Name I Pray,
Listening too:
Amy Grant Better Than a Hallelujah
Audrey Assad Humble
Audrey Assad Lead Me On
Audrey Assad I Shall Not Want
Audrey Assad You Speak
Audrey Assad For Love of You
I once seen pictures of a woman at my parish receive her Confirmation at an "older" age... The look of awe and peace in her eyes still to this day makes me smile. Just by the look on her face you knew that she "got it"
I know it is a sin, but I want to be honest... I often get jealous of "older" people who come into the Faith because of that fact... they get it!
Let me explain it so I do not sound so ungrateful... because please do not get me wrong I am so grateful for my Faith.
I was Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church before six months of age, it was something you did. There was no discussion about it, if you were Catholic it was done and that was it!
So of course I do not remember my Baptism.. and that is okay with me. I witnessed my daughters and my God-daughters and that is good enough for me.
First Holy Communion is where I get a little caught up in the "Do the children really understand who they are receiving? I remember that I had a girl scout thing the day of my First Communion and I received a tree that I had to plant.. I think I was more concerned about the tree dying then I was about getting ready... I know that sounds sad but I was in second grade!
Then my Confirmation, I know I had to pick out a Saint but I had no idea why. I had to research her and write a paper about her... but why did I need a saint?
I often wonder if the age for such things are too young.
In today's world I have seen first graders receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist and they know it is Him and they are overjoyed!! These children also come from a wonderful Catholic family that discuss such things so they understand, and they do not leave it up to a CCD teacher to teach them in so many weeks.
Confirmation has also changed, my daughter will be making her Confirmation next year and she is going to a Conference in Ohio were teens from all over the world will come to worship Christ in the Eucharist.
Kids are wiser now, and some have a deep yearning for the Lord. This is so amazing for me to see. There is nothing more precious then a child in love with Christ.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for my mother who made sure that I received all of my Sacraments in the Church, Thank you for my grandparents who showed up for all of them, Thank you for the teachers who taught us when and how to do what.
I pray that more children will come to you Oh Lord,
In Jesus Name I pray,
"Let the Children Come to Me!"
I know it is a sin, but I want to be honest... I often get jealous of "older" people who come into the Faith because of that fact... they get it!
Let me explain it so I do not sound so ungrateful... because please do not get me wrong I am so grateful for my Faith.
I was Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church before six months of age, it was something you did. There was no discussion about it, if you were Catholic it was done and that was it!
So of course I do not remember my Baptism.. and that is okay with me. I witnessed my daughters and my God-daughters and that is good enough for me.
First Holy Communion is where I get a little caught up in the "Do the children really understand who they are receiving? I remember that I had a girl scout thing the day of my First Communion and I received a tree that I had to plant.. I think I was more concerned about the tree dying then I was about getting ready... I know that sounds sad but I was in second grade!
Then my Confirmation, I know I had to pick out a Saint but I had no idea why. I had to research her and write a paper about her... but why did I need a saint?
I often wonder if the age for such things are too young.
In today's world I have seen first graders receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist and they know it is Him and they are overjoyed!! These children also come from a wonderful Catholic family that discuss such things so they understand, and they do not leave it up to a CCD teacher to teach them in so many weeks.
Confirmation has also changed, my daughter will be making her Confirmation next year and she is going to a Conference in Ohio were teens from all over the world will come to worship Christ in the Eucharist.
Kids are wiser now, and some have a deep yearning for the Lord. This is so amazing for me to see. There is nothing more precious then a child in love with Christ.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for my mother who made sure that I received all of my Sacraments in the Church, Thank you for my grandparents who showed up for all of them, Thank you for the teachers who taught us when and how to do what.
I pray that more children will come to you Oh Lord,
In Jesus Name I pray,
"Let the Children Come to Me!"
Have you ever had a friend that you just had to be around even when you were so mad you could scream!
My person was Nicole, yes she was my BEST friend, we did everything together, from playing in the playground, to sleepovers, to dressing her dog up in her baby clothes.
We went to different schools and different Church's but that did not matter all that mattered was that we liked each other and could spend hours together.
Sometimes we would argue when we were together too long but we would want to play again within minutes.
We did things girls our ages did we played Barbies. we played on the playground across the street at the school and we laughed a lot.
Nicole's house is the house that my brother and I spent the night at when my grandfather passed away. I still to this day consider her parents a close second to my parents.
So here are a few stories of the crazy things we did together:
In our backyard there was a hole in the ground behind the house so of course we thought we could get to China that was until we thought we heard screams and then realized (in our young minds) that we were digging to hell.
I am sure you have all read the book about the money tree.... Nicole and I planted many pennies in her yard for our money tree. Oh the dreams we had with the money that we were going to get... I am still waiting for that tree to grow.
We were playing outside at her house and my brother was there.. he had just bought some "poppers" you know they are in the fireworks section you throw them at the ground and they pop. Well this car was coming down the road and he decided to throw it at the car. He hit it right on the wheel, that car backed up and Nicole and I ran into the backyard. He didn't thought.. the guy got out of the car asked him what he through and he showed him. The guy said; "Cool can I have some" and left.
The craziest time was when my cousins were visiting, my uncle had brought them over. So my cousin Jennifer, Patrick, Nicole and my brother and I went across the street to play at the playground. Now I am afraid of heights.. let me rephrase that, I am afraid of a foot of the ground.
There was this dome jungle gym... here is a picture of one like it I found online..
They all loved to get on this thing but not me, I would go on the first ledge and that was it!
We were all playing having fun when out of no where this dog came at us. Now I don't mean Lassie so get that cute adorable image out of your head, I mean a killer dog!
Everyone went for higher ground and it just so happened the higher ground was this stupid dome! Now even when you are faced with the fear of being eaten to death my a dog the fear of heights is just someone how greater.
So as everyone was on this stupid thing I was ... well I have no idea what I was doing.
So my brother jumped off and began to run in the other direction, so the dog began chasing him. Giving me enough time to get up on the slide.
We are all screaming BLOODY MURDER, what are we going to do.
The dog gets my brothers pant leg and we are still screaming HELP!!!
Out of no where four men jump over the fence... One had a pitch fork, another a shovel, they just showed up out of no where.
The men disappeared as fast as they appeared, still chasing this dog.
When we got back to the house, we said; "Didn't you hear us screaming?" my mom's reply; "We thought you were having fun!"... this is one of those wow moments.
There are so many more memories that are special to me, we lived in a time that you could stay out all night. We would spend hours on my swing set trying to swing as high as possible trying to touch our feet to the sky. We walked to each others house with no need to call when you get there because it was just that way.
Nicole and I were joined at the hip all the time, once middle school came it changed. Yet somethings never change, we have found each other on social media and have ran into each other a couple times. She even came up to my grandma's funeral and stayed with me for a long time.
I pray my daughter can have a friendship as great as mine and Nicole's.
Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me so much, Thank you for Blessing me with Nicole and her family, Thank you for those four men who showed up out of no where I believe you sent them, and thank you for always protecting me.
I pray that everyone in the world has at least one friend that they can tell anything too.
And I pray that all who read this seek you.
In Jesus Name I pray,
My person was Nicole, yes she was my BEST friend, we did everything together, from playing in the playground, to sleepovers, to dressing her dog up in her baby clothes.
We went to different schools and different Church's but that did not matter all that mattered was that we liked each other and could spend hours together.
Sometimes we would argue when we were together too long but we would want to play again within minutes.
We did things girls our ages did we played Barbies. we played on the playground across the street at the school and we laughed a lot.
Nicole's house is the house that my brother and I spent the night at when my grandfather passed away. I still to this day consider her parents a close second to my parents.
So here are a few stories of the crazy things we did together:
In our backyard there was a hole in the ground behind the house so of course we thought we could get to China that was until we thought we heard screams and then realized (in our young minds) that we were digging to hell.
I am sure you have all read the book about the money tree.... Nicole and I planted many pennies in her yard for our money tree. Oh the dreams we had with the money that we were going to get... I am still waiting for that tree to grow.
We were playing outside at her house and my brother was there.. he had just bought some "poppers" you know they are in the fireworks section you throw them at the ground and they pop. Well this car was coming down the road and he decided to throw it at the car. He hit it right on the wheel, that car backed up and Nicole and I ran into the backyard. He didn't thought.. the guy got out of the car asked him what he through and he showed him. The guy said; "Cool can I have some" and left.
The craziest time was when my cousins were visiting, my uncle had brought them over. So my cousin Jennifer, Patrick, Nicole and my brother and I went across the street to play at the playground. Now I am afraid of heights.. let me rephrase that, I am afraid of a foot of the ground.
There was this dome jungle gym... here is a picture of one like it I found online..
They all loved to get on this thing but not me, I would go on the first ledge and that was it!
We were all playing having fun when out of no where this dog came at us. Now I don't mean Lassie so get that cute adorable image out of your head, I mean a killer dog!
Everyone went for higher ground and it just so happened the higher ground was this stupid dome! Now even when you are faced with the fear of being eaten to death my a dog the fear of heights is just someone how greater.
So as everyone was on this stupid thing I was ... well I have no idea what I was doing.
So my brother jumped off and began to run in the other direction, so the dog began chasing him. Giving me enough time to get up on the slide.
We are all screaming BLOODY MURDER, what are we going to do.
The dog gets my brothers pant leg and we are still screaming HELP!!!
Out of no where four men jump over the fence... One had a pitch fork, another a shovel, they just showed up out of no where.
The men disappeared as fast as they appeared, still chasing this dog.
When we got back to the house, we said; "Didn't you hear us screaming?" my mom's reply; "We thought you were having fun!"... this is one of those wow moments.
There are so many more memories that are special to me, we lived in a time that you could stay out all night. We would spend hours on my swing set trying to swing as high as possible trying to touch our feet to the sky. We walked to each others house with no need to call when you get there because it was just that way.
Nicole and I were joined at the hip all the time, once middle school came it changed. Yet somethings never change, we have found each other on social media and have ran into each other a couple times. She even came up to my grandma's funeral and stayed with me for a long time.
I pray my daughter can have a friendship as great as mine and Nicole's.
Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me so much, Thank you for Blessing me with Nicole and her family, Thank you for those four men who showed up out of no where I believe you sent them, and thank you for always protecting me.
I pray that everyone in the world has at least one friend that they can tell anything too.
And I pray that all who read this seek you.
In Jesus Name I pray,
Friday, May 30, 2014
Last time I left you hanging with the fact that grandma would remarry and she did. She married my moms divorce attorney and would only be married to him for a few months before he passed away.
I remember "the call", you know the kind in the middle of the night and the phone rings waking the whole house up. You just know something is wrong when that happens.
By middle school I was out of Catholic school and into public school, I did attend CCD on Wednesday nights in order to be confirmed. I chose the name Elizabeth Ann Seton and I had to do a report on her. My sponsor was my Aunt Jan, it was a big deal the Bishop came to our Church and he wore a big hat and had a staff. Of course this is the way I remember it as a kid.
My grandma inherited a house on the lake in Caseville Michigan, we would spend out summers up there with her. One day I was there with my my brother, mom, dad, uncle Tom and cousins Becky and Richard. We where in the lake swimming when one of the adults noticed the sky looking bad. So we all got out, rinsed off and changed; my Uncle Tom started some chicken on the stove and then it happen. We ran downstairs all but my dad, huddled in a corner the noise was horrible. My cousin Becky was hysterical and my dad was still up stairs. The door had flew open and he was trying to close it on his own..
He eventually came down stairs and stayed with all of us as we sat in the basement listening to the tornado destroying roofs, uprooting trees and ripping off the porch off the back of grandma's house.
That is what we seen when we came upstairs, part of a roof in the middle of the road, trees across the road and no porch or refrigerator on the back of the house. Grandma would end up adding a beautiful room to the back of the house all glass so that we could sit back there all year long and enjoy the view of the water.
So many memories from up north, my parents even looked at a house to purchase once when we were there. It was just a nice place to be.
I remember "the call", you know the kind in the middle of the night and the phone rings waking the whole house up. You just know something is wrong when that happens.
By middle school I was out of Catholic school and into public school, I did attend CCD on Wednesday nights in order to be confirmed. I chose the name Elizabeth Ann Seton and I had to do a report on her. My sponsor was my Aunt Jan, it was a big deal the Bishop came to our Church and he wore a big hat and had a staff. Of course this is the way I remember it as a kid.
My grandma inherited a house on the lake in Caseville Michigan, we would spend out summers up there with her. One day I was there with my my brother, mom, dad, uncle Tom and cousins Becky and Richard. We where in the lake swimming when one of the adults noticed the sky looking bad. So we all got out, rinsed off and changed; my Uncle Tom started some chicken on the stove and then it happen. We ran downstairs all but my dad, huddled in a corner the noise was horrible. My cousin Becky was hysterical and my dad was still up stairs. The door had flew open and he was trying to close it on his own..
He eventually came down stairs and stayed with all of us as we sat in the basement listening to the tornado destroying roofs, uprooting trees and ripping off the porch off the back of grandma's house.
That is what we seen when we came upstairs, part of a roof in the middle of the road, trees across the road and no porch or refrigerator on the back of the house. Grandma would end up adding a beautiful room to the back of the house all glass so that we could sit back there all year long and enjoy the view of the water.
So many memories from up north, my parents even looked at a house to purchase once when we were there. It was just a nice place to be.
As one sits down and starts to write about their past many memories come up instantly, and others come up days or even years later...
These are a few memories that I remembered that are so dear to my heart that I still carry to this day.
Things I learned in Catholic School:
Whenever you say the Name "Jesus" ALWAYS bow your head... so if you say the Rosary you should bow your head 1 time for the Apostles Creed, 53 times for each Hail Mary 5 times for each "Oh My Jesus.." and 1 more for the Hail Holy Queen and total of 60 times. It is a beautiful name and a powerful name one that as an adult I use often.
When I was in school and before my grandpa died I LOVED my faith. I used to lay in bed at night and try and think of a way to turn my closet into an altar. Seriously, I did.. at one point I had all kinds of pictures (that I had made) hung up in my closet. I thought if I could go some place quite to pray and be alone with Christ, wow what a life I could have. Little did I know He was and always has been with me.
I remember one day my mom found out that my brother and I had swore, I don't even remember the word we said. She told us that we had to go to Confession that Friday after Mass. I was terrified, not because Father was mean... No he was the kindest man I have ever met. It was the fact that we talked often and even if I went behind the screen he would know my voice!!
So I told my brother; "If I tell mom that you went would you tell mom that I went?" He said; "No way she would find out!". He was right she had eyes and ears everywhere in that Church... I wonder if that was part of the tuition?!?!
So in we went, I cannot even remember who went first. Or if Father asked what word it was.
I don't even remember what my penance was... it was just the idea of telling him what I did. Funny thing is Christ already knew, so it really was no big deal.
I loved Christmas, I still do but at school the big celebration was the day you walked around with one shoe... If you are Catholic and or went to Catholic school you know what I mean.
December 5th... The feast of St. Nicholas... Yes sir it was usually after lunch and recess and we had to put one of our shoes out in the hallway... Within an hour or two we would find goodies in them... Now if you were a boy and had stinky feet... who am I kidding they didn't care.
I was not a popular kid, but everyone knew me... does that make sense? it doesn't to me either, recess was fun when I was little but after fifth grade no one wanted to risk their lives on the merry go round anymore... Oh yes I have to tell you, only if you promise not to try this at home...
We used to load up on that, I mean pack full... and then four to five boys would get in the middle aka "the danger zone" they would each get into a section and start running as fast as they could and when it got fast enough they would hop on... NOW if they were slow the bar would hit them and well no more play time for all of us...
I only remember a few times someone getting hurt, but we would wait till the mom's were not watching and then off they would go...
It would go so fast... just thinking of it makes me dizzy.
May Crowning was another wonderful time, especially if you had just received your first communion because you were special. You had to wear your Communion dresses, shoes, veil and make sure you were beautiful for Mary. We were suppose to bring Flowers from home, now because of my Great-Grandma's rule of NO artificial flowers we would always call grandma a couple days in advance and we would go on our way to school to her house and she would have to most beautiful flower bouquets all made up. Lilacs, tulips, and so much more.
*Pictured is Father Wischmeyer from my home town Parish.
Prayer: Heavenly Father Thank you for priest with the heart of gold as Father W. had, Thank you for the memories I have in the school, Thank you for giving me more than I deserve, and Thank you for loving me a sinner.
I pray that everyone whom is reading this will take time to look for the little things in their life and will look for a deeper relationship with you.
In Jesus Name I pray,
These are a few memories that I remembered that are so dear to my heart that I still carry to this day.
Things I learned in Catholic School:
Whenever you say the Name "Jesus" ALWAYS bow your head... so if you say the Rosary you should bow your head 1 time for the Apostles Creed, 53 times for each Hail Mary 5 times for each "Oh My Jesus.." and 1 more for the Hail Holy Queen and total of 60 times. It is a beautiful name and a powerful name one that as an adult I use often.
When I was in school and before my grandpa died I LOVED my faith. I used to lay in bed at night and try and think of a way to turn my closet into an altar. Seriously, I did.. at one point I had all kinds of pictures (that I had made) hung up in my closet. I thought if I could go some place quite to pray and be alone with Christ, wow what a life I could have. Little did I know He was and always has been with me.
I remember one day my mom found out that my brother and I had swore, I don't even remember the word we said. She told us that we had to go to Confession that Friday after Mass. I was terrified, not because Father was mean... No he was the kindest man I have ever met. It was the fact that we talked often and even if I went behind the screen he would know my voice!!
So I told my brother; "If I tell mom that you went would you tell mom that I went?" He said; "No way she would find out!". He was right she had eyes and ears everywhere in that Church... I wonder if that was part of the tuition?!?!
So in we went, I cannot even remember who went first. Or if Father asked what word it was.
I don't even remember what my penance was... it was just the idea of telling him what I did. Funny thing is Christ already knew, so it really was no big deal.
I loved Christmas, I still do but at school the big celebration was the day you walked around with one shoe... If you are Catholic and or went to Catholic school you know what I mean.
December 5th... The feast of St. Nicholas... Yes sir it was usually after lunch and recess and we had to put one of our shoes out in the hallway... Within an hour or two we would find goodies in them... Now if you were a boy and had stinky feet... who am I kidding they didn't care.
I was not a popular kid, but everyone knew me... does that make sense? it doesn't to me either, recess was fun when I was little but after fifth grade no one wanted to risk their lives on the merry go round anymore... Oh yes I have to tell you, only if you promise not to try this at home...
We used to load up on that, I mean pack full... and then four to five boys would get in the middle aka "the danger zone" they would each get into a section and start running as fast as they could and when it got fast enough they would hop on... NOW if they were slow the bar would hit them and well no more play time for all of us...
I only remember a few times someone getting hurt, but we would wait till the mom's were not watching and then off they would go...
It would go so fast... just thinking of it makes me dizzy.
May Crowning was another wonderful time, especially if you had just received your first communion because you were special. You had to wear your Communion dresses, shoes, veil and make sure you were beautiful for Mary. We were suppose to bring Flowers from home, now because of my Great-Grandma's rule of NO artificial flowers we would always call grandma a couple days in advance and we would go on our way to school to her house and she would have to most beautiful flower bouquets all made up. Lilacs, tulips, and so much more.
*Pictured is Father Wischmeyer from my home town Parish.
Prayer: Heavenly Father Thank you for priest with the heart of gold as Father W. had, Thank you for the memories I have in the school, Thank you for giving me more than I deserve, and Thank you for loving me a sinner.
I pray that everyone whom is reading this will take time to look for the little things in their life and will look for a deeper relationship with you.
In Jesus Name I pray,
When I left you I told you of the lose of my grandfather and how I did not pray because of the fact that I believed I did not know how to do it "Good enough". So you can imagine when it came time for Mass on the weekend the fit I would throw. I mean come on I already went on Friday with my school, I did not even think about my mom and dads soul... come on I was eight years old I do not even know if I even knew what a soul truly was.
We could ride our bikes to my grandma's house and we often did, we could cut through the high school or go the "long way" and go around the corner. My brother and I would race to see what way was faster, he would often win... okay he would always win. My grandma's house was so huge, at least I thought it was when I was little... I thought it was a castle. They had a bar in the basement and the cousins would always play bar on it. It is funny to look back to have a bar and I never remember them having alcohol.
It was a safe place to be, there were changes happening every where, not only did grandpa just pass but mom had remarried the year before. On top of that I was being made to go and visit my "real dad" every other weekend. Please do not get me wrong, my mom hated to see us go, it was the courts that made us. I was unsure why he went to the courts to have us there when we where usually with a baby sitter. I realized when I had my daughter that you pay less child support if you have your child spend the night.
I remember one night getting into an argument with my mom, I am unsure what it was about but I was determined I was going to run away. So I went into the garage and tried to open the door, now back then there was no magic button that would open it. No, you had to pull a wire on one side and at the same time pull the other side. I was too small to do it on my own, so I went into the house and asked for them to open the door so I could run away. Looking back that was pretty silly, but hey I wanted my bike!
They of course said no, so out the front door I went, me and my stubbornness...
It was within minutes I heard someone come up behind me and it was my brother, he wanted to make sure I was okay and walked with me.
Now usually when we went to grandma's there was food everywhere.... not tonight. She promised us she would not call our parents and within minutes in they walked. I know she had too but she could have fed us first, (laughing as I write this) because as soon as mom got us home we where in bed for the night... no dinner. Grandma had yelled at them for letting us walk out the front door and in turn she was mad at us.
As you can see one night without dinner did not hurt us.
Grandma would remarry many years later to my moms divorce attorney. He would only live for a short time before he would pass.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for such a loving grandma, Thank you for my dad who came into a family that was already started and trying so hard to fit in, Thank you for my mom who loved us unconditionally, Thank you for my brother who was my protector was I was young.
I pray that all who have family hold tight to them because you never know when it will be the last day you see them. I pray for peace and harmony in every family, and I pray that whomever is reading this seeks you my Lord.
In Jesus Name I Pray,
Listened too:
Casting Crowns The Well
Casting Crowns My Own Worst Enemy
Casting Crowns Courageous
Casting Crowns Lifesong
Casting Crowns Until the Whole World Hears
We could ride our bikes to my grandma's house and we often did, we could cut through the high school or go the "long way" and go around the corner. My brother and I would race to see what way was faster, he would often win... okay he would always win. My grandma's house was so huge, at least I thought it was when I was little... I thought it was a castle. They had a bar in the basement and the cousins would always play bar on it. It is funny to look back to have a bar and I never remember them having alcohol.
It was a safe place to be, there were changes happening every where, not only did grandpa just pass but mom had remarried the year before. On top of that I was being made to go and visit my "real dad" every other weekend. Please do not get me wrong, my mom hated to see us go, it was the courts that made us. I was unsure why he went to the courts to have us there when we where usually with a baby sitter. I realized when I had my daughter that you pay less child support if you have your child spend the night.
I remember one night getting into an argument with my mom, I am unsure what it was about but I was determined I was going to run away. So I went into the garage and tried to open the door, now back then there was no magic button that would open it. No, you had to pull a wire on one side and at the same time pull the other side. I was too small to do it on my own, so I went into the house and asked for them to open the door so I could run away. Looking back that was pretty silly, but hey I wanted my bike!
They of course said no, so out the front door I went, me and my stubbornness...
It was within minutes I heard someone come up behind me and it was my brother, he wanted to make sure I was okay and walked with me.
Now usually when we went to grandma's there was food everywhere.... not tonight. She promised us she would not call our parents and within minutes in they walked. I know she had too but she could have fed us first, (laughing as I write this) because as soon as mom got us home we where in bed for the night... no dinner. Grandma had yelled at them for letting us walk out the front door and in turn she was mad at us.
As you can see one night without dinner did not hurt us.
Grandma would remarry many years later to my moms divorce attorney. He would only live for a short time before he would pass.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for such a loving grandma, Thank you for my dad who came into a family that was already started and trying so hard to fit in, Thank you for my mom who loved us unconditionally, Thank you for my brother who was my protector was I was young.
I pray that all who have family hold tight to them because you never know when it will be the last day you see them. I pray for peace and harmony in every family, and I pray that whomever is reading this seeks you my Lord.
In Jesus Name I Pray,
Listened too:
Casting Crowns The Well
Casting Crowns My Own Worst Enemy
Casting Crowns Courageous
Casting Crowns Lifesong
Casting Crowns Until the Whole World Hears
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Part 6: DEATH
Life is very strange, a person is well one day and the next they are in the hospital...
This is what happen to my grandpa, he went to the doctor and was told he had cancer.
There are not many memories I have of my grandfather because he died when I was so young, but there are memories that the mind and heart just will not let go of.
I remember being in the kitchen at my grandma's house standing against the refrigerator and my grandpa coming out of the bedroom, I was sucking my thumb and he asked me what flavor it was... I would tell him strawberry and within minutes he would ask me again and I would change the flavor.
I remember him and my grandma always coming over for our birthdays. Oh yes and any holiday we spent with them.
I was in dance and I remember I received roses for my recital... I gave him one when he became sick and was home in bed. It was in a small drinking glass right by his bed.
It was 1984 and my mom had re-married the year before, the man she married is and always will be known as my dad, because of the fact that he has always been there.
I had a best friend named Nicole and she lived down the street from me, you could not keep us apart.... unless we were fighting, then we wanted to play again and our parents usually would say "I think you need a break from each other". They would give in eventually because we wanted to play! It is important that you know that because of the following...
One night I was going to Nicole's for a sleep over which normally would be no big deal BUT this time was MUCH different... why? My brother was coming with me... a boy... in a house full of girls?
Little did we know that my mom had it arranged that we would stay there because grandpa's life was close to the end.
Nicole and her family lived in a tri-level, we stayed in the bottom level on the floor.
As her older sisters fell asleep the scariest storm began. The thunder was so loud that it was as if God and the angels were in a war of some kind... the lightning was non-stop as it lit up the room. I was eight years old and was scared, I felt as if something bad was happening, even the rain was powerful as it was pounding on the windows as if it was trying to reach in and get me.
The aftermath of that storm was bad, in a emotional and physical way...
My grandfather passed away... as I went into the bedroom after he had been removed I looked at the rose and it was dead. I felt as if the two had died together.
The other thing that I held in for many years is the fact that I killed my grandpa...
Everyone spoke of prayer and how we needed to pray for him and I did I prayed so much, more than I had ever prayed but he still died. So to me and my eight year old mind I did not pray well enough... It would be years before I would actually pray for someone.
Whenever anyone asked me to pray for them I said I would, but in the silence of my mind I knew it was better if I did not.
I was in my 20's before I prayed for someone and I cried like a baby.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving me eight years with my grandpa, Thank you for my friendship with my friend Nicole, Thank you for showing me that prayer is good, Thank you for loving me, Thank you for seeing my heart, and loving me a sinner.
Oh my Jesus, I pray that whomever is reading this knows just how much you love them.
In Jesus Name I pray,
Listen to:
Audrey Assad Restless
Audrey Assad Carry Me
Audrey Assad Ought to Be
Big Daddy Weave The Only Name (Yours Will Be)
Brandon Heath It Is Well (Oh My Soul)
This is what happen to my grandpa, he went to the doctor and was told he had cancer.
There are not many memories I have of my grandfather because he died when I was so young, but there are memories that the mind and heart just will not let go of.
I remember being in the kitchen at my grandma's house standing against the refrigerator and my grandpa coming out of the bedroom, I was sucking my thumb and he asked me what flavor it was... I would tell him strawberry and within minutes he would ask me again and I would change the flavor.
I remember him and my grandma always coming over for our birthdays. Oh yes and any holiday we spent with them.
I was in dance and I remember I received roses for my recital... I gave him one when he became sick and was home in bed. It was in a small drinking glass right by his bed.
It was 1984 and my mom had re-married the year before, the man she married is and always will be known as my dad, because of the fact that he has always been there.
I had a best friend named Nicole and she lived down the street from me, you could not keep us apart.... unless we were fighting, then we wanted to play again and our parents usually would say "I think you need a break from each other". They would give in eventually because we wanted to play! It is important that you know that because of the following...
One night I was going to Nicole's for a sleep over which normally would be no big deal BUT this time was MUCH different... why? My brother was coming with me... a boy... in a house full of girls?
Little did we know that my mom had it arranged that we would stay there because grandpa's life was close to the end.
Nicole and her family lived in a tri-level, we stayed in the bottom level on the floor.
As her older sisters fell asleep the scariest storm began. The thunder was so loud that it was as if God and the angels were in a war of some kind... the lightning was non-stop as it lit up the room. I was eight years old and was scared, I felt as if something bad was happening, even the rain was powerful as it was pounding on the windows as if it was trying to reach in and get me.
The aftermath of that storm was bad, in a emotional and physical way...
My grandfather passed away... as I went into the bedroom after he had been removed I looked at the rose and it was dead. I felt as if the two had died together.
The other thing that I held in for many years is the fact that I killed my grandpa...
Everyone spoke of prayer and how we needed to pray for him and I did I prayed so much, more than I had ever prayed but he still died. So to me and my eight year old mind I did not pray well enough... It would be years before I would actually pray for someone.
Whenever anyone asked me to pray for them I said I would, but in the silence of my mind I knew it was better if I did not.
I was in my 20's before I prayed for someone and I cried like a baby.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving me eight years with my grandpa, Thank you for my friendship with my friend Nicole, Thank you for showing me that prayer is good, Thank you for loving me, Thank you for seeing my heart, and loving me a sinner.
Oh my Jesus, I pray that whomever is reading this knows just how much you love them.
In Jesus Name I pray,
Listen to:
Audrey Assad Restless
Audrey Assad Carry Me
Audrey Assad Ought to Be
Big Daddy Weave The Only Name (Yours Will Be)
Brandon Heath It Is Well (Oh My Soul)
It was 1980 something and it was a time when I was still spending the dreaded every other weekend with my "real" father. We had just came off of Miller rd coming from Swartz Creek and he turned onto Bristol rd... He had a pickup truck and back then no one ever really wore their seat belts, and there was no electric anything inside that truck. He was driving with my brother in the middle while I was up against the passenger door. The window was down because it was a warm day, I was told to role up the window. Now when I say role up the window I mean crank the crank to role up the window. I was young and it usually took me forever but this day was different... This day was very different in deed.
Picture it Flint Township corner of Bristol rd and Linden rd... A man who had just picked up a hitchhiker is traveling southbound on Linden rd. Oh yes it is very important for you to know that this man is drunk... VERY drunk. The truck I am riding in is going eastbound on Bristol (towards the airport). The light was green so there was no need to stop or even slow down... or was there.
Picture it Flint Township corner of Bristol rd and Linden rd... A man who had just picked up a hitchhiker is traveling southbound on Linden rd. Oh yes it is very important for you to know that this man is drunk... VERY drunk. The truck I am riding in is going eastbound on Bristol (towards the airport). The light was green so there was no need to stop or even slow down... or was there.
To this day I always look both ways when going through an intersection, why?
The man in the car ran that red light and hit the truck at a high rate of speed, I remember as if it was yesterday. The sound of metal, glass, and being thrown about as if I was a rag doll. The truck would flip over five times until it stopped upside down. The smell of gasoline was so strong, he had just filled up both tanks that day. After the truck stopped he grabbed my brother and took him to safety, but I was in the truck on my hands and knees trying to find a way out.
Glass was cutting my hands and knees as I was crawling with my eyes closed. I was terrified, there are times in a girls life when they just want their mom and this was definitely one of them. I could see a light even though my eyes were closed so I followed it, I had no idea what or where I was going but it felt safe. As the light became brighter I felt these strong arms grab me. Seconds later I heard a crash... I had been crawling under the truck and had made my way to the end of the tailgate, which was about to come crashing down on me when I was rescued by?
No one seen the person who grabbed me, so many people stopped to look about and so many police, fire, ambulance.... but no one seen who grabbed me and took me to the ambulance.
This was the first time that I met my angel, there are many stories about him. He has protected me more times than I can count and has warned me of danger.
I was in a group at Church one time and a woman said something that has stuck with me: "Do you realize that everything you do, even in your most private times when you are alone your angel sees? We must pray for forgiveness to our Angels"
St. Faustina wrote that IF Angels could be envious they would be envious of two things:
1. The receiving of The Holy Eucharist
2. Being able to suffer.
The man in the car ran that red light and hit the truck at a high rate of speed, I remember as if it was yesterday. The sound of metal, glass, and being thrown about as if I was a rag doll. The truck would flip over five times until it stopped upside down. The smell of gasoline was so strong, he had just filled up both tanks that day. After the truck stopped he grabbed my brother and took him to safety, but I was in the truck on my hands and knees trying to find a way out.
Glass was cutting my hands and knees as I was crawling with my eyes closed. I was terrified, there are times in a girls life when they just want their mom and this was definitely one of them. I could see a light even though my eyes were closed so I followed it, I had no idea what or where I was going but it felt safe. As the light became brighter I felt these strong arms grab me. Seconds later I heard a crash... I had been crawling under the truck and had made my way to the end of the tailgate, which was about to come crashing down on me when I was rescued by?
No one seen the person who grabbed me, so many people stopped to look about and so many police, fire, ambulance.... but no one seen who grabbed me and took me to the ambulance.
This was the first time that I met my angel, there are many stories about him. He has protected me more times than I can count and has warned me of danger.
I was in a group at Church one time and a woman said something that has stuck with me: "Do you realize that everything you do, even in your most private times when you are alone your angel sees? We must pray for forgiveness to our Angels"
St. Faustina wrote that IF Angels could be envious they would be envious of two things:
1. The receiving of The Holy Eucharist
2. Being able to suffer.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for my Angel, Thank you putting him in my life, Thank you for saving me many times, Thank you for the joy that you bring me, Thank you for the world that you have created, Thank you for the friends that you have given me.
Heavenly Father, I pray that whomever is reading this tries to let go of the negative in their life, I pray that they know there is so much more, joy, love, hope, peace!
I pray these things In Your Name,
Heavenly Father, Thank you for my Angel, Thank you putting him in my life, Thank you for saving me many times, Thank you for the joy that you bring me, Thank you for the world that you have created, Thank you for the friends that you have given me.
Heavenly Father, I pray that whomever is reading this tries to let go of the negative in their life, I pray that they know there is so much more, joy, love, hope, peace!
I pray these things In Your Name,
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
I left you last night with my story about my wonderful Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. W....
I was Blessed enough to attend St. Mary's Queen of Angel's for most of my elementary years...
The school went through the eighth grade but I transferred to public school in the seventh grade.
In the seven plus years I attended this beautiful school I learned so much about my faith...
I learned that when a priest entered a room you stood up and said "Good Morning Father!"
This was a sign of respect and I pray it still happens today!
The first thing I learned regarding my faith was that the whole school attended Mass every Friday before lunch and recess. This was different but our priest was so COOL!!! I truly believe he was a child at heart, his name Father Amos Wischmeyer, he had an amazing way of teaching us through laughter. He would tell us stories about his childhood but he always got his point across.
In order to get ready for First Communion, there is a lot for a person to know:
Always use your right hand to Bless yourself with the Holy Water
Always genuflect before entering your pew
Kneel and pray
Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist!
Make sure your soul is clear of all sin
Confession is not scary (for a child, it was)
Always have your hands folded
Take Communion by the tongue unless you are sick then take it by the hand
After receiving Communion ALWAYS make the Sign of the Cross
Always kneel until the Priest sits down
Never leave Mass before the Priest has exited
Never leave Mass before the song is over
I received my First Holy Communion from this beautiful Priest and every Friday after that till I changed schools. Father would always walk the halls with a smile on his face, he loved the school being open with all of the children learning about God.
My mom would take us to Church on Saturday evenings and I would see many adults not following the "rules" and wondering why?!?! Did they not know? Why did they get to receive Him without doing it right? Didn't they know who they were receiving?
Another thing that was different on the weekend was Father, he was not funny. He was serious, and sometimes MAD! I did not understand why? Maybe he seen that they were not following the rules.... I understand now that he taught us as children, and he taught them as adults. He was angry at times because people can be so stubborn... Father could see the bigger picture, that all of this and that did not matter what did matter was what was happening in the Church that day!!! Not only that day but everyday!
He had a passion, one that is not always alive in our priest. I have been so Blessed to have been surrounded by Priest with a Passion for Christ.
We were also taught that every time we heard a siren to stop what we were doing and say a Hail Mary, we did this often sense the fire and police department where right up the street. I still do this today, I will pray for the first responder, the injured and all who are in danger.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for Father Wischmeyer, Thank you for my mother and for Blessing me with great teachers, Thank you for loving me even when I did not acknowledge you. Thank you for loving me when it was dark and lonely and thank you for loving me a sinner.
I pray that all will seek you!
In Jesus Name,
I was Blessed enough to attend St. Mary's Queen of Angel's for most of my elementary years...
The school went through the eighth grade but I transferred to public school in the seventh grade.
In the seven plus years I attended this beautiful school I learned so much about my faith...
I learned that when a priest entered a room you stood up and said "Good Morning Father!"
This was a sign of respect and I pray it still happens today!
The first thing I learned regarding my faith was that the whole school attended Mass every Friday before lunch and recess. This was different but our priest was so COOL!!! I truly believe he was a child at heart, his name Father Amos Wischmeyer, he had an amazing way of teaching us through laughter. He would tell us stories about his childhood but he always got his point across.
In order to get ready for First Communion, there is a lot for a person to know:
Always use your right hand to Bless yourself with the Holy Water
Always genuflect before entering your pew
Kneel and pray
Jesus is present in the Holy Eucharist!
Make sure your soul is clear of all sin
Confession is not scary (for a child, it was)
Always have your hands folded
Take Communion by the tongue unless you are sick then take it by the hand
After receiving Communion ALWAYS make the Sign of the Cross
Always kneel until the Priest sits down
Never leave Mass before the Priest has exited
Never leave Mass before the song is over
I received my First Holy Communion from this beautiful Priest and every Friday after that till I changed schools. Father would always walk the halls with a smile on his face, he loved the school being open with all of the children learning about God.
My mom would take us to Church on Saturday evenings and I would see many adults not following the "rules" and wondering why?!?! Did they not know? Why did they get to receive Him without doing it right? Didn't they know who they were receiving?
Another thing that was different on the weekend was Father, he was not funny. He was serious, and sometimes MAD! I did not understand why? Maybe he seen that they were not following the rules.... I understand now that he taught us as children, and he taught them as adults. He was angry at times because people can be so stubborn... Father could see the bigger picture, that all of this and that did not matter what did matter was what was happening in the Church that day!!! Not only that day but everyday!
He had a passion, one that is not always alive in our priest. I have been so Blessed to have been surrounded by Priest with a Passion for Christ.
We were also taught that every time we heard a siren to stop what we were doing and say a Hail Mary, we did this often sense the fire and police department where right up the street. I still do this today, I will pray for the first responder, the injured and all who are in danger.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for Father Wischmeyer, Thank you for my mother and for Blessing me with great teachers, Thank you for loving me even when I did not acknowledge you. Thank you for loving me when it was dark and lonely and thank you for loving me a sinner.
I pray that all will seek you!
In Jesus Name,
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
PART THREE: One of the nicest teachers I have ever known...
Every once in a while a person will come into your life that will help guide you in the right direction and if you are Blessed you will even be able to have fun with it. One of these people for me is my Kindergarten teacher Mrs. W. I am still friends with her today through social media and she is still a teacher and I thank God that she is, it makes me so happy to know that there are children out there still receiving love from her.
If you remember I was born in 1976, so kindergarten to me was not as it is today. In order to graduate we needed to know our ABC's and be able to count to a certain level (I believe it was 25).
But it was not what I learned that I remember it is how it she taught me. She taught with song, and boy did I love singing. This might have something to do with the fact that my mom was a singer, and would always sing to us whenever she got a chance and still does.
I still remember some of the songs that Mrs. W taught us... "Like a sunflower that follows every movement of the sun, so I turn towards you and follow you my Lord..." oh and I cannot forget my favorite... "Smile don't you know God loves you come to think of it I love you too. Take the time to smile at someone and before your through someone will be smiling back at you".
Not only did I have an amazing teacher in Kindergarten but the coolest thing ever happen... Are you ready to hear this...
You got to graduate!!! Seriously they give five year old's diplomas and we were able to wear a cap and sash!
My grandma and grandpa came to show their support as they did for everything that I did. It still amazes me that I received a diploma for my ABC's but hey why not.
That was the beginning of my education at St. Mary Queen of Angels Catholic school. Everyone knew everyone and was so kind, the world can look so kind as a child.
Thank you Heavenly Father for my Mother who gave me a wonderful catholic school education, Thank you for putting Mrs. W into my life, Thank you for beautiful songs that we sang, Thank you for my memory in order to share them with others.
I pray that every child in this world has at least one Mrs. W. in their life.
If you remember I was born in 1976, so kindergarten to me was not as it is today. In order to graduate we needed to know our ABC's and be able to count to a certain level (I believe it was 25).

I still remember some of the songs that Mrs. W taught us... "Like a sunflower that follows every movement of the sun, so I turn towards you and follow you my Lord..." oh and I cannot forget my favorite... "Smile don't you know God loves you come to think of it I love you too. Take the time to smile at someone and before your through someone will be smiling back at you".
Not only did I have an amazing teacher in Kindergarten but the coolest thing ever happen... Are you ready to hear this...
You got to graduate!!! Seriously they give five year old's diplomas and we were able to wear a cap and sash!
My grandma and grandpa came to show their support as they did for everything that I did. It still amazes me that I received a diploma for my ABC's but hey why not.
That was the beginning of my education at St. Mary Queen of Angels Catholic school. Everyone knew everyone and was so kind, the world can look so kind as a child.
Thank you Heavenly Father for my Mother who gave me a wonderful catholic school education, Thank you for putting Mrs. W into my life, Thank you for beautiful songs that we sang, Thank you for my memory in order to share them with others.
I pray that every child in this world has at least one Mrs. W. in their life.
PART TWO: The woman who chose to be a mother
I left you yesterday with my grandmother and the fact that I cannot write a paragraph and be done with all that she has done for me. The same goes for the woman who chose to be a mother for a second time, and that is my mother Trudy Kay.
She came from a family of eight children even though my aunt Kathy died at ten days old. My grandmother raised her children to believe in the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit and the teaching of the Roman Catholic church. I can imagine them now going to church and filling up a pew with my mother being the oldest daughter and my grandmother having my twin uncles and aunt on her hip. In all of the conversations and all the stories that my grandmother told me in my life she never once complained about being a mother, or having to take all of them to Church it was something that I believe she enjoyed.
My mother was Baptized in the Catholic Church as were her brothers and sisters, and she also received her First Holy Communion as did her brothers and sisters, it was not something someone thought about it was something that was done. You knew that a baby needed to be baptized before six months of age and that a child would receive their First Holy Communion by second grade. There was no debate, family discussion, nothing at all like that, it was clear and cut dry. This is our Faith and this is how we were raised!
So when my mother was married and then years later had her first born it was no secret that he would be Baptized in the Catholic Church. I came along two years later and I too would be Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church and I am so very proud of that fact. My Aunt Jan was suppose to be my God-mother but she was sick so my Aunt Nancy stood in. We lived in Flint at the time, I would be around one year of age when we would move to the house that we would live in for a good portion of our lives in Swartz Creek.
This was a great move because my mom's parent's lived in town and they were a huge part of our lives. After mom had each of us she would go to her mother's house to recover from the birth and my grandmother would take care of her and us. I can remember many times my mom had surgery and my grandmother opened her home to my mom so that she could take care of her.
The picture below is of my Mother's wedding day, I love this picture because of the way my grandfather is looking into her eyes.
You will not read much about my "real father" mostly because he was not one, who was there for me as a father should have been, but this blog is not about it him. It is about people in my life that have helped me with my faith and the three people in the picture above did so much to help me that words cannot explain...
Although I will try...
Heavenly Father thank you for my Grandmother, Thank you for my Grandfather, Thank you for my mother and thank you for the love that you put in their heart. The love that they had was such a love that only you could have been apart of it. Thank you for my Faith, Thank you for my family and Thank you for loving me a sinner my Lord.
I pray that all will seek you!
In Jesus Name I pray!
She came from a family of eight children even though my aunt Kathy died at ten days old. My grandmother raised her children to believe in the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit and the teaching of the Roman Catholic church. I can imagine them now going to church and filling up a pew with my mother being the oldest daughter and my grandmother having my twin uncles and aunt on her hip. In all of the conversations and all the stories that my grandmother told me in my life she never once complained about being a mother, or having to take all of them to Church it was something that I believe she enjoyed.
My mother was Baptized in the Catholic Church as were her brothers and sisters, and she also received her First Holy Communion as did her brothers and sisters, it was not something someone thought about it was something that was done. You knew that a baby needed to be baptized before six months of age and that a child would receive their First Holy Communion by second grade. There was no debate, family discussion, nothing at all like that, it was clear and cut dry. This is our Faith and this is how we were raised!
So when my mother was married and then years later had her first born it was no secret that he would be Baptized in the Catholic Church. I came along two years later and I too would be Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church and I am so very proud of that fact. My Aunt Jan was suppose to be my God-mother but she was sick so my Aunt Nancy stood in. We lived in Flint at the time, I would be around one year of age when we would move to the house that we would live in for a good portion of our lives in Swartz Creek.
This was a great move because my mom's parent's lived in town and they were a huge part of our lives. After mom had each of us she would go to her mother's house to recover from the birth and my grandmother would take care of her and us. I can remember many times my mom had surgery and my grandmother opened her home to my mom so that she could take care of her.
The picture below is of my Mother's wedding day, I love this picture because of the way my grandfather is looking into her eyes.
You will not read much about my "real father" mostly because he was not one, who was there for me as a father should have been, but this blog is not about it him. It is about people in my life that have helped me with my faith and the three people in the picture above did so much to help me that words cannot explain...
Although I will try...
Heavenly Father thank you for my Grandmother, Thank you for my Grandfather, Thank you for my mother and thank you for the love that you put in their heart. The love that they had was such a love that only you could have been apart of it. Thank you for my Faith, Thank you for my family and Thank you for loving me a sinner my Lord.
I pray that all will seek you!
In Jesus Name I pray!
Monday, May 26, 2014
I have been Blogging now for over five years and have the need to share with everyone my story..
When I say "my story" as I look back on my life a HUGE part of my life has been my Faith, even when I was not "enjoying" my faith or even "participating" my Faith was always present in my life.
This is a place where I pray in my sharing you will find comfort and even recognize yourself in my struggles and successes...
The beginning is always the hard part for me, I want to jump right in the middle because that is when God "shook me" as I like to say... BUT not this time. This time we will start at the beginning...
In the Beginning God created earth...
Well we will not go back that far.. but we will go back to my great-grandmother because she had such an impact on the way I was raised.
Katherine Bridget was born in 1901 into am Irish Catholic family on All Saints Day November first, I believe with all my heart that she is a saint in heaven. My great-grandmother married and had a beautiful large Catholic family, four girls and four boys. I remember as a little girl going over to her house and her television would be on one of two stations, the first was EWTN and if it was not on that it was because her "stories" where on. Yes she loved her soaps, The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful and As the World Turns.
I have many memories about her... all so sweet, the way her shoes would make a noise as she rocked back and forth in her chair (because she had he feet crossed at her ankles), how she loved and adored the Blessed Mother and always said; "You never give the Blessed Mother artificial flowers, she deserves real ones", the way her lips would constantly be moving even in the middle of a conversation because she was always praying and she always had her Rosary on her.
She lived a long life, but in that long life she buried all four of her son's, a grandson and her husband.
Before she died I remember being up at the hospital, it was a peaceful and loving time. It felt as if the whole family was surrounding her. I got to hold her hand and tell her how much I loved her.
Her death was the first time I had ever went through any kind of suffering, yet I knew in my heart that she was with the Father. A woman with a faith as strong as hers could not be any where else.... right?!?!
The second woman who was my grandmother, she was born Geraldine Lucile in 1931...
She would marry and have eight children...
Her Faith was so clear to me in all of the talks over the years..
Unlike her mother, it was not clear in the house how religious she was unless you went into her room then you seen that same love for the Blessed Mother that her mother had.
I cannot write a paragraph about my grandmother and end it there, because she was such a huge part of my life. She did not just give birth to my mother, she did not just show my mother the Catholic faith, she was not just a grandma...
When she did something it was not "just because she had too" it was because she wanted to and the love you felt with everything she did was overwhelming.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for Blessing me with such amazing woman in my life to help lead me on the road to you!!! Thank you for never turning away from me, Thank you for always being there even in the darkest and most loneliest times you where present.
Thank you for loving me a sinner.
When I say "my story" as I look back on my life a HUGE part of my life has been my Faith, even when I was not "enjoying" my faith or even "participating" my Faith was always present in my life.
This is a place where I pray in my sharing you will find comfort and even recognize yourself in my struggles and successes...
The beginning is always the hard part for me, I want to jump right in the middle because that is when God "shook me" as I like to say... BUT not this time. This time we will start at the beginning...
In the Beginning God created earth...
Well we will not go back that far.. but we will go back to my great-grandmother because she had such an impact on the way I was raised.
Katherine Bridget was born in 1901 into am Irish Catholic family on All Saints Day November first, I believe with all my heart that she is a saint in heaven. My great-grandmother married and had a beautiful large Catholic family, four girls and four boys. I remember as a little girl going over to her house and her television would be on one of two stations, the first was EWTN and if it was not on that it was because her "stories" where on. Yes she loved her soaps, The Young and the Restless, The Bold and the Beautiful and As the World Turns.
I have many memories about her... all so sweet, the way her shoes would make a noise as she rocked back and forth in her chair (because she had he feet crossed at her ankles), how she loved and adored the Blessed Mother and always said; "You never give the Blessed Mother artificial flowers, she deserves real ones", the way her lips would constantly be moving even in the middle of a conversation because she was always praying and she always had her Rosary on her.
She lived a long life, but in that long life she buried all four of her son's, a grandson and her husband.
Before she died I remember being up at the hospital, it was a peaceful and loving time. It felt as if the whole family was surrounding her. I got to hold her hand and tell her how much I loved her.
Her death was the first time I had ever went through any kind of suffering, yet I knew in my heart that she was with the Father. A woman with a faith as strong as hers could not be any where else.... right?!?!
The second woman who was my grandmother, she was born Geraldine Lucile in 1931...
She would marry and have eight children...
Her Faith was so clear to me in all of the talks over the years..
Unlike her mother, it was not clear in the house how religious she was unless you went into her room then you seen that same love for the Blessed Mother that her mother had.
I cannot write a paragraph about my grandmother and end it there, because she was such a huge part of my life. She did not just give birth to my mother, she did not just show my mother the Catholic faith, she was not just a grandma...
When she did something it was not "just because she had too" it was because she wanted to and the love you felt with everything she did was overwhelming.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for Blessing me with such amazing woman in my life to help lead me on the road to you!!! Thank you for never turning away from me, Thank you for always being there even in the darkest and most loneliest times you where present.
Thank you for loving me a sinner.
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