Wednesday, August 20, 2014


It has been over a week since the death of actor, comedian Robin Williams, yet I am still heartbroken.  I am almost on the edge of obsession when it comes to his story.
I guess it just feels a lot like my own...
A person who is so good at telling stories, making people laugh; yet deep down inside it drowning within their own thoughts.
Most people have a built in on and off switch for their emotions, but some of us do not have that.
Some of us suffer through out the day and night with the thoughts and memories of what has been and what could have been.
The thoughts are so consuming that the night seems to be the worst by far...

Since my grandma's death in January I have been slowly shutting down and when I seen that he had died it was as if the world had ended.  As if we were connected in some strange way???

What is wrong with me?!?!

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