Friday, August 22, 2014


As I write this my dad is having a procedure done; they are taking a camera down into his lung to see what the "mass" is.  One doctor says "Oh it is nothing" and another says "it looks like cancer".

Two things have assisted in my dads lung problems and I am sure if he seen you with a cigarette he would want to ask for one.  He had only been smoking since he was 12, by the age of 50 his lungs had collapsed on him three times.  They told him if they did it again there was nothing they could do, yet he still lit up.  
At the same time my dad was a volunteer firefighter for the city we live in, now please do not think that I am at all blaming the fire department at all.  My dad loves being a fire fighter and would not give it up for the world.  One night he inhaled a lot of smoke at a fire and was sent to the hospital.  My mom was the dispatcher for the same fire department and remember that ride to the hospital as if it was yesterday... Thank God it was the middle of the night because she did not stop for any light.
When my daughter was born in 2000 my dad was so wonderful, every time he had to smoke he would go outside into the garage.  He even had a space heater for the winter to keep warm.  He did not want to endanger her with second hand smoke.  Even though it was his home and we were living there with them he did it anyways.  He would do anything for her, but would he give up smoking?

The answer yes, after I believe he was scared to death literally.
With half of his lung completely dead and emphysema, COPD taking over he left the hospital and never lit up again.

Since then he has taken my daughter to every daddy daughter dance, danced with her on stage at dance recitals.  He has been a hero to her.
My dad could be such an ass, him and I would fight over nothing.  Yet with her he is a complete polar opposite.
Fight the good fight dad...
You have so much more life in you!

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