Friday, August 22, 2014


The following was found on a page that I have "liked" on fb:

Hello my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I am asking for prayers for a dear friend of mine. He is batting with a severe case of depression and even wants to end his life. Thanks and blessings to all. [Gabby Ebertowska]
My reply:
Dear Gabby,
My prayers go out for your friend, it is hard to give advice... yet I will try.  I myself have been there just recently.  You probably have noticed that he has become more and more distant.  you become so consumed within your own thoughts and within your own mind that nothing else seems to matter.  I had one friend who just would not leave me alone, even though I would not read her text, fb messages, emails she did not care they just kept coming. 
The thought of God is one that even for the most faithful is sickening because you have convinced yourself that you are not good enough for Gods great love.
I tell you this so that you can see it from his side, from the mind of a person who is ready to just let it go.
Gabby, be that friend, be strong and do not let go
Here if you need to talk

I share this because many believe that the thought of letting go of God's most precious gift "life" is something that is inconceivable, unimaginable... and that is because they have never been in that place of darkness where you have let yourself dive so deep within yourself that you actually loose yourself.
Imagine a maze, you start it and see the end yet as you stare at it after four hours (it is a big maze) the lines become blurry.  You no longer see lines you are in the maze and there is no way out, you find yourself running trying to catch your breathe as you turn the corner only to find another wall blocking you... each wall has a message, or a memory.  Ones that you have buried deep within your soul praying to never find again.  The voices of people in your past saying hateful things, your voice telling you "if you would have done this instead of that".

Yet earlier tonight as I sat here and watched countless video's of Robin Williams, and crying my ass off I found something in common with Robin and we said something that opened my eyes.
In an interview with Barbara Walters Robin said: "You and I have both been given second chances at life and not many get that"
He is right!

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