Wednesday, August 13, 2014


As a Catholic the word "Suicide" is one that you heard when a nun or priest would speak of hell when I was in school growing up...
If you killed yourself you would die and go to hell and that was it... there was no purgatory, no middle, no mercy, no compassion....
Since my blog last night many have written about their opinion on what happens to a person's soul when one commits suicide.  This is my opinion and belief:

There is one God, the same God that created the earth and all that is upon it.
The same one whom sent His only son our Lord Jesus Christ...
The same Lord who is full of Love and so Merciful...
With that said God is the only one that knows a person's mind completely, so He is the only one that will judge that person just as He will judge us all one day.  I believe that Our God is so Merciful and so full of Love that He would never condemn a son or daughter of His that did not know what they were doing.

I know a lot of you are saying; "How can someone not know they are killing themselves?"
The answer is not simple, depression is a disease and so many demons are on the attack during this time in a person's life.  You have no idea what they are going through, only God and the person knows what that person is feeling.  

So where is God?  In us!
This is why I shared my story last night and I urge you to check on your friends...
Not via text or email... one can hide very easy behind a computer.
Calling them is one step closer yet what is hidden behind that reply of "I am okay", believe me I have gotten very good at disguising how well I am.

Go to their house!  Send them a card!  Personal attention is what needs to happen.
Try to get them out of their environment that they are so comfortable in.... the same shell that they are hiding in.

We need to remember that a healthy person can see another person's self-worth, even great future.  Yet one who is not healthy can not see anything past this second, this breathe, this thought... There is no... But what about...  There is only I cannot do this anymore__________.

LOVE... it is not about marriage... it is showing compassion to each other...

I must say that this Blog is not in anyway an Okay to commit suicide, there is help and I pray that if you need it you seek it and for those who know those who suffer from any kind of depression keep an eye open at all times.

I love each and everyone of you and am here for you whenever you need me.

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