Tuesday, July 1, 2014


We use our hearts to describe our feelings for others, and even when we are in pain we often explain the pain we have in our heart.

The human heart is an amazing muscle...

It is strong and it does so much work... work for the whole body,,

So when there is something wrong with the heart... well it seams to throw off everything.

Think about it...
When someone is suffering from a broken heart, they become depressed... then their appetite changes, mood changes... might loose or gain weight...

When someone puts there heart into a relationship or even a project their whole life becomes involved.

Just the same when something is actually wrong with the heart the other organs and muscles are affected.  With my heart the issue is that it is too weak to pump out the fluid... so I have to take a water pill.. which in turns drains me literally... The next day I am weak, tired, exhausted... now I have been told that I need to drink as I loose the water to keep hydrated... yet I find that I get really thirsty and end up putting all of the fluid back in my body.. so it is a no win situation.

I get by by not thinking about my heart... at night when I turn I can often feel my pacemaker poking out of my skin... then I get anxious and have to try and calm myself.

So as long as I do not think about the problem at hand I am good...
Until I go to the doctor and he wants to run test for heart failure...
My heart doctor told me that I am always in heart failure!  So I am not sure what to expect...
So for now I will try and not think about it.. it felt good to get it out there.. now I can try and bury it again until the next appointment...

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