Wednesday, July 2, 2014


There once lived a girl in a bubble... who did not see the world as anything but what she lived...
She believed that every little boy and girl lived the way she did... and experienced the same things she did...
Now some may say that she was naive but that was not the case, because the girl learned about her friends life's and experiences as much as possible...  

She was Blessed beyond words to have her grandmother (her mother's mom).  Their family was a family that would get together often.  They always had a clean home, no matter what home they went too. They would go to the lake for cook outs, they would get together to play cards, they just liked being together.

Yet her real father's family was the complete opposite, they gambled, and their home was always dirty.  The little girl felt very unclean there... she does not have many memories... she often wonders what her mind does not want her to remember....

When the little girls parents got a divorce and her mother remarried her new dad had a family.  Yet his family was not like the family that she was used to... they did not get together, and her grandparents lived in Florida... the little girl had never been to Florida to see them... but her cousin from her mom's side did... her grandfather would make her cousin many things and the little girl would go without....

Three very different families... and no one seemed to understand why she was so attached to her mothers family...  They were the nicest, they would go out of their way to talk to her and let her know she was loved  and that was something the little girl was not used to...

When life became hard the little girl dealt with it the best way she could... wondering why life was so hard and why this was her life....

Little did the girl know that she was going to make it through this time in her life....
She would be okay... but was okay enough...

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