Friday, July 4, 2014


I am a very stubborn person... I will be the first to admit that... if you tell me that I cannot do something or should not do something I will most likely do it just because you said I cannot... well within limits of course.

As a child growing up there were times that I felt as if my mother chose my dad over me... I do not write this to make anyone feel bad or hurt anyone I write this because there is a point...
Because of this feeling, when I had my daughter I swore that I would NEVER put any man in front of my daughter...

I failed... I failed miserably..

There were so many people telling me that what I was doing was not good... yet my stubbornness was going to show them all that I was right and I could be happy..

I paid for everything, plain tickets, hotel rooms, gas...

At some point there is always that voice deep inside you that tells you: "turn around, wrong way, u-turn" yet you do not hear it... well you choose not to hear it.

So I signed a lease for a apartment complex for this man to come and live here.  My thought was he could find a job and prove that he was ready to settle down be a man.
I took him to a couple job interviews because he did not have a car (I know shaking my head as I write this) and each one he had some poor excuse as to why it would not work...

As he became comfortable a side of him that I did not know started to come out...
When we where at my moms for Easter dinner we were leaving and he pushed me in the driveway because he was upset.  I told him to never touch me again!

Then about a month later all hell broke loose...
We were goofing around he got up and locked himself in the bathroom...
I thought he was just going to the bathroom.. so I hid in the other room, I had a marker and was just going to pretend to write on him when he came out....
He had sat down and when he seen me he got up grabbed me by my wrist and pushed me through the hall way past the bathroom onto the basement door.  He was screaming at me and had this look in his eyes that I had never seen.  As he pushed me up against the door I could hear the wood cracking... I can still hear that sound...

My daughter was screaming, "let my mom go!"
The door and windows were all open... I was praying someone would call the cops... all the screaming... why didn't they call the cops!

When he let go I was in the living room and my daughter was in the dining room the hall ways was so tight that every time I tried to get by he would block me... My daughter kept saying "Go outside mama" but the patio door was so high and I could see him pushing me down the steps... I was scared... I was terrified...

I told my daughter to go outside... she did not need to see anything....

I begged him to just let me leave... but he would not let me through every time I would go he would block me... This went on for a while it felt like hours but it was not that long...
My daughter came to the door and said "Guys we have a problem, I locked the dog in the car"
He let me through and when I got outside the doors were unlocked... and I got in with my daughter and left... as I pulled away he gave me this look... I knew my daughter had just saved my life...

The police were called and nothing was done... according to the officer it was because I left the scene... WHAT!!!!  I would later find out that someone at 911 called his wife and sent her over there to protect him...

I will say this... My daughter and My safety was in jeopardy that day and two people helped this man... bought him food, gave him a place to stay, even told the police that I was dramatic and not to believe my statement... Even though during the 911 it was pretty clear I was terrified...
Goes to show you that you cannot trust blood and people at 911.
The proof is all in the report.

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