Monday, July 14, 2014


My last few post were pretty dark... I was in a place I did not want to be..

Yet there is something that I have come to realize...
Before I was even born God was with me...
When my mom held me in her arms for the first time He was still with me...
All through my childhood the good and the bad.... He was with me...
Every time I breathe it is because He is with me

The times I chose to accept His grace, love and mercy are the best times of my life, the times I chose to stop doing my part was the times I fell into the darkness.

See people seem to believe that having God in your life is like magic... as if everything is just perfect.. and it can be BUT just like any relationship you have to give a little.
I say a little because even if you give a LOT in a relationship nothing compares to that of a Father giving His only Son...  This reality is the coolest ever once you realize it.. and just when you think you know His love He loves you even more.

I have sought love from a man and No love is greater than that of God Himself.

I did something that was way out of my comfort zone... and by doing so it helped me.
I had no idea that in doing what I did that I was going to receive the words that I needed to begin the healing process.

There is a reason why I am still on this Beautiful earth that God has given us...
He could have taken me home in 2005 but He did not.

I have to say it felt amazing being out of my comfort zone... and God has so much more planned within me... I just can feel it.

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