In life there are so many regrets, we can try and get through life by asking for forgiveness and or letting go of something that we cannot changes...
Yet I have a HUGE regret and I am unable to say I am sorry.. I am unable to tell the person that I hurt that I regret it and if I could do over I would in an instant...
My grandma and I had became pretty close and I started taking her to her appointments, she would say that "Oh if you cannot do it I can take myself" but I knew that she was having mini-strokes and had no business on the road.
I started taking her to her back appointments for her to get her injections... we would talk all the way there, in the waiting room and all the way home.
I took her to get her blood drawn, different scans, eye appointments.. I loved it!
She was so cute though, we had to take her car, and she always claimed she was hungry so we stopped and would get lunch or breakfast depending on the time.
I was with her when she went to see the cancer specialist, I was happy with the time I was spending with her.
BUT when she had her big stroke and was in the hospital that was so hard to see.
This woman who was so independent, was depending on others for everything.
When I would go up to the hospital she would try and talk to me but she could not at first.
Then it after weeks, months she was ready to come home... but she had to visit the rehab facility.. I remember being in the back of the van my Uncle, grandma and I. She was holding my hand so tight... I believe she thought she was being transferred there... My uncle and myself both tried to reassure her but I will never forget the grip she had on my hand.
Once she came home, the visits became less...
I know that my grandma was in there but it hurt to see her like that...
Now I know looking back that I was so selfish... She was my best friend and was always there for me... when she needed me I was "to scared" aka "being selfish"
I realized this too late, when she fell and after being in the hospital they put her in a rehab facility... I went often... yet as I looked at her I knew she was tired...
I had abandoned her when she needed me...
The what ifs will drive me insane if I allow them...
Yet through all of the sadness, tears and emotion I can sense that she is at peace and knows how sorry I am... and would not want me to hold on to this...
I am so sorry Grandma...