Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I have seen many poems and posting regarding "The Empty Chair", yet I did not feel the heartache of the empty chair till I begin to think of the holidays...

For as long as I can remember the Holidays have been your favorite...
Decorating the house was so important... and it was so amazing to be in your home around the holidays as a child.  Being in your home when I was younger on a normal day I felt as if I was in a castle... you lived in a three bedroom two story yet it seemed so huge compared to our home...  Your home was always beautiful, well kept and so perfect..
It had a smell... I think everyone has their own smell... If I knew you would be leaving this earth and with you everything would be going with you I would have bottled up that smell so when I needed you I could open it up and smell your presence...

As I think about Thanksgiving I remember it being a production.. and I wonder how you did it.... You would always wore an apron, and would have ten things going on at once (it felt like a hundred) I have to say you were very creative with two kitchens and you used it to your advantage... in the basement you would have pies heating in the oven with the ham.. and all kinds of salads in the refrigerator including your broccoli salad, and your fruit salad.. well two of those because I did not like nuts in my food so you would make a second one just for me...Upstairs is where everybody was running around but not you... You had done this so many times before... on the oven was potatoes and the gravy... while in the oven was the turkey... when the turkey came out the rolls went in....
By the time we got there the table was usually set... so my job was to fill the glasses with ice and water... My uncle Tim and Tom were really helpful while the other boys were usually in the living room watching the lions... because that is what happens on Thanksgiving...
When it was time to eat we all took a seat, sometimes we had to sit in the kitchen because the house was full... I loved that...
You always sat at the front of the table... it was your seat.. Grace was said then everything was passed around...
The work that went into Thanksgiving was incredible yet it was over in a instant...

The family tried to convinced you to go in and have a seat in the living room where you had a chair, as they all took turns washing and drying dishes, putting away the leftovers...

This Thanksgiving I am not sure what we are doing...
The family has lost it's glue that has kept it together...
No matter where we are... if we are home or if we are at your home...
I know one thing will be for certain...
Your chair will be empty...
The woman who worked everyday to keep the peace and everyone together is now at peace with her husband and family... 

The Empty Chair...
The chair who once held an angel is now empty

The chair who once held every child is now sad
The chair who once rocked every grandchild stands silent
The chair who once seen every great-grandchild sees no more
The chair who once heard the laughter hears no more...

The chair sits in the corner waiting for you just as we do...
The chair wonders if heaven is filled with chairs just like it...

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