Saturday, November 1, 2014


Today is November 1st... On November 1st 1901 a Saint was born on this All Saints day...
Her name was Katherine... Her family would call her Kate...
I am proud to say she was my great-grandma...
My memories of her are that of a grandma... and more..
Whenever we went to visit her in her home she always had the TV on, it would be on one of two channels... It was on either her "stories" (her soap opera's) or EWTN.  Yes we are a Catholic Family, yet I have to admit my version of a Catholic family and her's is so different..
That is something I need to work on.
There are so many things I remember about my Great-Grandma T, she would sit in her rocker (lazy-boy) and rock back and forth.. I remember this because her feet would be crossed at her ankles and the leather on her shoes would rub together and squeak..  Her lips would always be moving, even when she was not talking to you... because she was praying.. Yes she always wore an apron with the Rosary tucked inside it..  I often wonder how many times she said the Rosary in a day... she always had candy to offer us (you know the old fashion hard candy).. So many memories I have of her..
I find that I am losing my memory as I get older, I am only 38 seems a little too young to be losing my memory; could be all the medicine I am on... So times like these when I remember such great times I must write it down.. This way my daughter can tell her children all about her great-great-grandma whom she is named after...

In her lifetime she suffered great loss.. As I sit her writing this I wonder if that is why she had such a devotion to the Blessed Mother.  When you think about it the Blessed Mother watched her son die and kept living for others... and grandma did the same...
She lost all of her son's at the time of her death the only ones living were her girls....
Grandma passed her love of her faith down to all of her children and the girl's all had such a great love for their faith.. My grandmother would get on her knees every night on that hard wood floor to pray for each one of us.. and there are a lot of us... I know she is still praying for us...I can see her on her knees before the Blessed Mother and God Himself.. I know I felt her prayers when I was in the hospital..

I was looking for a picture today to put on my fb page that showed my great-grandma and my grandma together, since this is the first year in many years they are together for her birthday...
Oh how the Angels must be celebrating... even though there is such sadness her on earth..
I believe that today is a extra special day on earth.. a day when we can ask the Saints the impossible and they will help assist.  They know my prayer, although a silent one...
Maybe one day I will write about it but today it is too fresh and I know you will understand..

So my words for you today is this:
Although you may be having a horrible day look up
Even in the darkest day there is light.. That is the Lord guiding you
When you are having a good day, do not take it for granted...
Praise His who has given us so much...
May we live a life that is not always of want..
But one of praise and prayer..

Look to the sky there is always light even in the darkest storm.

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