Wednesday, September 3, 2014


As I sit here checking in on my facebook account I see the headline news is Frozen, and then the death of Andrew Madoff son of Bernard Madoff...

Now I have to admit that I had to Google the name, once I found out who he was I remembered the who story... 

As I looked at the thousands of post regarding this young man's death I am sick...
People posting horrible feeds such as:
"The sins of the Father"

Karma is a Bitch"
"What Goes around goes around"
"Serves him right"
"Kind of Shakespearean if you ask me  Brilliant" 

Andrew was 48 years old and lost his battle from cancer...
He grew in his mother's stomach just as everyone of the people that posted this, just as this writer did.  He went to school, I am sure he had friends and others that did not like him.
He had a life... Part of his life was his father but Andrew was never charged for anything..
Then his brother killed himself...
Why is it justice for a son of a felon to go through cancer?

Why is it okay for people to speak such hate towards someone they do not even know?

As Andrew's friends and family grieve today they will go on their facebook wall and write something like this:
"Today I lost my best-friend"
When they look to the side they will see the ticker click on it as I did and be crushed.

Why is our first reaction in this world is to knock someone down.. 
Shouldn't we be helping each other up..

To the Madoff Family and friends I am so very sorry for your loss, it is a great loss and a heavy one I am sure.
I know no words will make it better but please know that I am praying for Andrew and you all.

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