Friday, November 6, 2015


My uncle is in the hospital and is very sick... I have been asked to pray for him.
So I Plead to you to please pray for my uncle... because I do not know if I can...

Words such as prayer, God, Jesus, Church all make me want to scream...
When someone begins to talk about these such subjects I hold the phone away from my ear..
Or I change the subject right away...
This is odd coming from the girl who once made her closet into a confessional as a child.

I have read the Bible, I started Divine Mercy groups... I know all about it but I just can't take hearing about it....
I have come to the conclusion that I am PISSED OFF!!!
My best friend is gone and there is nothing I can do about it... I know "she would not want me to feel this way" BUT she is not here to help me through it and I she is the only person who could hep me out of this...
I know this because she is the one who helped me out of it before.

I know what I need to do.. and I know what I need in my life but I do not know how to take the steps to get there....  I am just so ANGRY and that anger is changing me...
I am becoming a very angry person.. I complain about everything and everyone...

I will make it through but in the mean time please pray for my Uncle.

Much Love

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