Monday, April 13, 2015


Writing for me has been therapeutic, a place where I could put into words my thoughts and memories to share with others and or to read in the future.  

I had a perfect routine, I would put on music to get in "the zone" as my daughter would always call it.  I would place my headphones on, choose a topic that was usually something that was going on in my life and just type...But something has changed... well a lot has changed...

One thing is the fact that I have not written in a long time. every time I have tried I just give up... The thoughts just do not come as easily as they have in the past.  Writing to me became an addiction, so I have been yearning for the touch of the keypad under my finger tips as I type faster than I would ever let anyone see me type...
I have often wondered if it is the medicine they have put me on, how can something that I love an enjoy become so hard to do now?

Depression is very difficult to live with, yet millions of people live with it everyday...
I will get back to the things I love and enjoy! 

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